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the ability of a cell to give rise to unlike cells and so to develop a new organism or part


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References in periodicals archive ?
Totipotent stem cells are found only in early embryos.
Totipotent stem cells can differentiate into embryonic and extraembryonic cell types.
Totipotent stem cells are capable of forming a completely new embryo that can develop into a new organism.
The hope is that similar methods can be used to reprogram a wide variety of human cells back to pluripotent form, so that the need for totipotent stem cells is gradually eliminated.
Totipotent stem cells those capable of developing into a human being are excluded from patentability on the grounds of human dignity as set out in the Directive.
The result is a set of totipotent stem cells that soon begin to specialize into pluripotent, and then, within two weeks, multipotent stem cells.
Totipotent stem cells (i.e., those present in the earliest stages of embryonic development) can produce all cells of an organism.
(18) After fertilization, division of the egg begins and the initial cleaving produces two totipotent stem cells. Each totipotent stem cell possesses the capability to develop into a full human being.
Totipotent stem cells also have the ability to develop into "extra-embryonic" tissues, such as the placenta, which supports growth of the organism before birth.
Totipotent stem cells have "the theoretical and perhaps real potential to become any kind of cell and under appropriate conditions, such as implantation in a uterus, could become an entire individual," according to testimony given by Dr.