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Words related to Tibetan

nounHimalayish language spoken in Tibet

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nouna native or inhabitant of Tibet

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References in periodicals archive ?
But the truth is that when I write in Tibetan, even if I cannot reach such a wider audience, I still feel good because I am doing something that is good for the Tibetan society.
This paper explores how the use of Tibetan and Chinese affected the literary choices of these writers, their sense of ethnic identity, and the perception of their ethnicity by others.
Critique: Expertly and knowledgeably written, featuring illustrated step-by-step instructions, that are thoroughly 'user friendly' in organization and presentation, "Tibetan Yoga: Principles and Practices" is a complete and comprehensive introduction to the performance and philosophy of Tibetan Yoga -making it an unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, collection, and university library collections.
"Tashi Wangchuk fought for the voice of Tibetan language under the constitution of China so he is still in the prison but we demand the government of China to release him unconditionally,aACA[yen] said Yeshi.
This year's festival will also include an academic seminar on Tibetan Buddhism, photography exhibition, and musical performances.
There is neither the possibility to integrate into everyday life in Nepal, nor to live with Tibetan identity," said Baumann.
Kaufmann develops throughout the book is that the Tibetan refugee community has been so successful in attracting financial assistance because it has developed bilateral relationships with international donors, where both parties work as equals.
The tersest example of how Tibetan and Buddhist narratives are being reincarnated through the bodies of the novel might be found in Jamyang Norbu's The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes, a historiographically metafictive rewriting of the English classic in a Tibetan context.
Sangay said the campaign would not only help understand exactly what the Tibetan people were calling for genuine autonomy, but also make it clear how long the Tibetan administration had stuck firm to this policy about its impact to date and its intentions for the future.
"The middle-way approach information materials--many of them available in seven languages, including Chinese--will make it very easy for people around the world to understand exactly what the Tibetan administration is proposing in terms of genuine autonomy within China," the political successor of the Dalai Lama said in a statement.
The nodal ministry for the Citizenship Act, under which issues like the voting and citizenship rights of Tibetan refugees are covered, is the MHA.
According to Dan Smyer Yu's informative new book, the "marketing era" of Tibetan Buddhism has begun (4).
China's influence on Nepalese authorities has been so compelling that Kathmandu disallowed exit to 5,000 Tibetan refugees who were granted asylum by the U.S.
Kalkyi, 30, a mother of four, set herself on fire and died near the main gate of Jonang Monastery in Rangtang County on Sunday, the India-based Central Tibetan Administration said on its website.
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