agrarius (29.6 %, 160/541), Rattus norvegicus (14.8%, 80/541) and
Tamias sibiricus (9.1%, 49/541).
These animals included 1 red-tailed chipmunk (
Tamias ruficaudus) at Lake Como (Figure 2) and 5 chipmunks of the same species at Hughes Creek.
4 12.90 0.05 Ochrotomys 3 9.68 0.04 nuttalli Reithrodontomys 2 6.45 0.03 humulis Sigmodon 2 6.45 0 03 hispidus
Tamias striatus 4 12.90 0.05 Amphibians: Amphibians were the most abundant small vertebrates captured and/or observed, comprising 55.9% of all captures (Fig.
Key words: Brown Rat, Oregon, predation, Rattus norvegicus,
Tamias townsendii, Townsend's Chipmunk
Effects of forest fragmentation on burrow-site selection by the eastern chipmunk (
Tamias striatus).
The emphasis of this research is on the effect temperature has on metabolic responses in a population of eastern chipmunks (
Tamias striatas) from North Dakota.
Kevin Rowe and Ken Paige, biologists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, used DNA (chemical that carries hereditary information) samples to trace the ancestors of 244 eastern chipmunks,
Tamias striatus (tuh-MY-us stree-AT-us).
leucopus), 21 woodland jumping mice (Napaeozapus insignis), one meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius), four chipmunks (
Tamias striatus), and one vole (Microtus sp.).
Lacher and Mares (1996) used a similar methodology, whereby mast-producing trees were censused to quantify resources available to
Tamias striatus (eastern chipmunk).
Within the Sciuridae, chipmunks (
Tamias) and ground squirrels (Spermophilus) are members of a monophyletic group derived from tree squirrels (Bryant 1945; Ellis and Maxson 1980; Emry and Thorington 1982, 1984; Hafner 1984; Hight et al.
Benton and Altmann, 1964; Jackson and DeFoliart, 1976) and has been collected from a large number of hosts, many of which are undoubtedly accidental: Didelphis, Sorex, Blarina, Glaucomys, Spermophilus,
Tamias, Tamiasciurus, Sciurus, Sigmodon, Ondatra, Dipodomys, Perognathus, Neotoma, Onychomys, Reithrodontomys, Microtus, Clethrionomys, Synaptomys, Napaeozapus, Mus, Erethizon, and various carnivores (Morlan, 1955; Benton, 1980; Haddow et al., 1983; Holland, 1985).
microti-like infection has been observed in other common eastern US mammal species, such as shorttailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) (25), eastern cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) (17), eastern chipmunks (
Tamias striatus) (17), raccoons (Procyon lotor) (26) and foxes (27), and congeneric species in other regions or countries, including Sciurus spp.
tamias Vision for Birmingham's Paradise Circus after Central Library has gone If this proposal goes ahead, it will be looked on by future generations as a catastrophic mistake in just the same way that we look at mistakes made by the planners of the 1960s now: demolishing quality buildings purely because they had gone out of fashion, or didn't fit with the current "masterplan", with no thought for conserving them for future generations.
Chipmunk (
Tamias spp.) activity was primarily restricted to dry areas.