Stylophorum diphyllum

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Synonyms for Stylophorum diphyllum

perennial herb native to woodland of the eastern United States having yellow flowers

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References in periodicals archive ?
Stylophorum diphyllum (Michx.) Nutt.; Celandine Poppy; Woods north of Nature Center; Rare; (#); C = 7; BSUH 11818.
Adiantum pedatum, Athyrium thelypterioides, Athyrium pynocarpon, Hepatica acutiloba, Hydrangea americana, Polystichum acrostichoides, Stylophorum diphyllum, Tradescantia virginiana, Trillium grandiflorum, and Veratrum woodii are all confined to the slope communities.
Species found only at Botany Glen and not at other documented studies from the region include Ophioglossum vulgatum, Heracleum lanatum, Triosteum perfoliatum, Trillium grandiflorum, Stylophorum diphyllum, Chelone oblique, and Viola palmata
Stylophorum diphyllum (Michx.) Nutt.: (+); Celandine Poppy; infrequent; steep slope near trail, southeast corner; BSUH 12347.