Stan Laurel

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United States slapstick comedian (born in England) who played the scatterbrained and often tearful member of the Laurel and Hardy duo who made many films (1890-1965)

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References in periodicals archive ?
Stage stars Stan Laurel with the man who gave him his stage debut, AE Pickard
But the partner of this double act is Jeremy Corbyn, who looks just as hapless as Stan Laurel did in black and white.
What's interesting about Oliver Hardy was how different he was from Stan Laurel. And we do talk about that in the film.
Leading men Ross with Stan & Ollie stars Steve Coogan and John C Reilly (left) and with Stan Laurel's great-granddaughter Cassidy (below) at the premiere in London
He co-founded the Laughing Gravy Tent in 1993, 40 years after a meeting between American mature student John McCabe and Stan Laurel at the Birmingham Hippodrome in 1953.
The Panopticon, the world's oldest surviving music hall, will be showing a selection of Stan Laurel's films and the author will give a presentation followed by a Q&A on Tuesday.
A signed letter sent from Stan Laurel to a Mrs Miller thanking her for a belated Christmas card depicting Tynemouth Pavilion sold for [pounds sterling]1,400 on September 16 last year.
Stan without Ollie; the Stan Laurel solo films, 1917-1927.
London, Mar 21 (ANI): The home where comic Stan Laurel once lived will be auctioned later this month.
And he later based the puppet's face on Stan Laurel.
Elastic Stan Laurel was a child of the English musical hall tradition and a theater family, the "genius" of the team who was paid more than his chubby counterpart because he wrote and produced their material.
1923: The Soilers: A seriously swishy cow-poke is comic relief in this Stan Laurel short.