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resembling a sound of violent tearing as of something ripped apart or lightning splitting a tree

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References in classic literature ?
One day, however, as I was splitting wood, I thought that I would just look in at the window and see if the house was not on fire; it was the only time I remember to have been particularly anxious on this score; so I looked and saw that a spark had caught my bed, and I went in and extinguished it when it had burned a place as big as my hand.
'Not worth while splitting a guinea,' said the stranger, 'toss who shall pay for both--I call; you spin--first time--woman-- woman--bewitching woman,' and down came the sovereign with the dragon (called by courtesy a woman) uppermost.
They began to mount heavenward; the boat was upset, mocking every exertion; the waves rose to the gunwale, and splitting on the hard stones, the Boat broke into Pieces.
Tom couldn't dive, for it gave him splitting headaches.
On, then, as aforesaid, came Don Quixote against the wary Biscayan, with uplifted sword and a firm intention of splitting him in half, while on his side the Biscayan waited for him sword in hand, and under the protection of his cushion; and all present stood trembling, waiting in suspense the result of blows such as threatened to fall, and the lady in the coach and the rest of her following were making a thousand vows and offerings to all the images and shrines of Spain, that God might deliver her squire and all of them from this great peril in which they found themselves.
She thought of a new way to kill my love for the beautiful Munchkin maiden, and made my axe slip again, so that it cut right through my body, splitting me into two halves.
Ten feet high at the shoulder, with four legs on either side; a broad, flat tail, larger at the tip than at the root which it holds straight out behind while running; a mouth splitting its head from snout to the long, massive neck.
A parang swung close to Number Twelve, but his own, which he had now learned to wield with fearful effect, clove through the pursuing warrior's skull splitting him wide to the breast bone.
Lecture Notes on Generalized Heegaard Splittings: Three Lectures on Low-Dimensional Topology in Kyoto
Gomez, "Monochromatic paths on edge colored digraphs and state splittings," Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, vol.
However, since the [CH.sub.2]Cl-[CH.sub.2] and [CH.sub.2]-[CH.sub.3] splittings are almost exactly the same, this gives rise to overlapping peaks that cannot be resolved (Figure 3(b) and (c)).
In order to solve system (1.1) by iterative methods, it is useful to construct splittings of the coefficient matrix A.
To study the second-order splitting of the daily period, we use the known positions of the "solar peak" (1440 min) and the "sidereal peak" (1436 min), which are the first-order splittings of the daily period.
We also show that certain regular splittings have useful combinatorial interpretations.
For the model problem, one can find robust and stable infinite splittings of the infinite energy space [H.sub.1]([omega]) (cf.