socialist economy

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Synonyms for socialist economy

an economic system based on state ownership of capital

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Unfortunately, Bangladesh's most influential economists, and hence the country's policies, remain mired in the growth-killing socialist economics that they learned at Cambridge and the London School of Economics a half-century ago.
He lucidly exposits the simple and intuitively appealing basis for socialist economics and social engineering, and proceeds to show the difficulties it leads to.
Even socialist economics has been discarded whenever it has been possible to do so in a free society.
The way our nation dealt with the 1920-1921 depression isn't discussed by today's economists, at least the vast majority who are captives to Keynesian socialist economics. There are two reasons why they ignore what happened close to 100 years ago: a) the problem was so short-lived, and b) it was solved, not by government, but by government standing aside and allowing the people to dig the nation out of the hole.
Socialist Economics. Penguin: Harmondsworth, UK (Originally published in German in 1920).
He then draws on the work of Janos Kornai (1980), who argued that shortages, rather than acting as a brake, encouraged expansion in socialist economics, and on Caroline Humphrey's (1983) observations about the criticality of bargaining and allocative power to the everyday operations of socialist economies, to examine labour shortages and bargaining power in the context of Katonga's collective farm economy.
* "Socialist Economics," in Ellis, editor, Survey of Contemporary Economics, (Philadelphia: Blakiston Co., & Richard D.
Gerhard Schroeder leads Germany with a stagflationary combination of socialist economics and old-school America baiting.
Corresponding with their exchange of Christian orthodoxy for moral uplift and socialist economics, the formerly evangelical churches seemed to become increasingly irrelevant to a majority of Welsh; and once the struggle for the Welsh language moved solidly into the political sphere beginning in the early 1960s, the churches were no longer the language's main citadels.
Mayor Giuliani huffily vetoed the measure, denouncing it as "socialist economics," but since the Council passed it 39 to 5, a veto override is expected.
It is helpful to recall the debate on socialist economics from the early warnings of Ludwig von Mises and Havek to the later analyses of Yugoslav and Hungarian market socialism by Svetozar Pejovich or Janos Kornai.
From this emerges a clear understanding of what went wrong with the Soviet and Eastern European management of their economies, and a way forward for socialist economics that avoids both wishful thinking about socialism, and fatalism about capitalism and its institutions.
Abram Bergson, "Socialist Economics," A Survey of Contemporary Economics Howard S.
Within a few years, France faced a major challenge when President FranE*ois Mitterrand's experiment in radical socialist economics collapsed in 1983.
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