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Synonyms for Sciuridae

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References in periodicals archive ?
Coccidian parasites (Eucoccidia: Eimeriidae) in European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus L., 1766) (Rodentia: Sciuridae) from Bulgaria.
2006: Phylogeny and biogeography of the Petaurista philippensis complex (Rodentia: Sciuridae), inter- and intraspecific relationships inferred from molecular and morphometric analysis.
Gliding squirrels belong to the order Roden tia and family Sciuridae and are globally represented by 44 species and are placed in 15 genera (Thorington et al.
Using digital images, we attempted to identify every mammalian species that visited each station, but we did not attempt to identify all smaller non-Carnivora mammals (such as Sciuridae).
FACTFILE s | | Squirrels are rodents in the Sciuridae family.
08 06: 17: 2014 To find out more and get involved |with events to celebrate and save the species visit the Red Squirrel Week website 19, faCTfilE s | | Squirrels are rodents in the Sciuridae family.
Dr Sciuridae huddersfield examiner Children left home alone in summer holidays.
Family SCIURIDAE Sundasciurus PE LC philippinensis (Philippine Tree Squirrel) II.
The nomenclature used in the descriptions of the teeth and the measurement methods are those of Martin-Suarez and Freudenthal (1993) for the family Muridae, Mein and Freudenthal (1971) for the Cricetidae, Daams (1981) and Freudenthal (2004) for the Gliridae, Cuenca-Bescos (1988) and Reumer and Van de Hoek Ostende (2003) for the Sciuridae, and Reumer (1984), modified by Furio (2007), for the insectivores.
Families covered include Gliridae, Sciuridae, Pedetidae and eleven others.
The Alpine marmot is a true hibernating, territorial rodent (Rodentia: Sciuridae), living in social units of 2-20 individuals [20].
rufina Venado colorado 2 Odocoileus virginianus Venado cola -- blanca Pudu mephistophiles Venado conejo Hu 1 RODENTIA Sciuridae Sciurus granatensis Ardilla comun Ob 4 (*) Sciurus sp.