It was conquered by the Romans, it was conquered by the English, and it was conquered by the Normans.
the Romans landed in Britain, and for nearly four hundred years after that they kept coming and going.
Some of these--guesses, let us call them--seem to show that there was some sort of structure there when the Romans came, therefore it must have been a place of importance in Druid times--if indeed that was the beginning.
But when the victorious Romans brought with them the heavy solid fortifications impregnable to the weapons of the time, its commanding position alone ensured its adequate building and equipment.
Roman layer, which is the most ancient and deepest, is occupied by the round arch, which reappears, supported by the Greek column, in the modern and upper layer of the Renaissance.
He was surprised at the contrast; for he knew of course that the Lutherans, whose faith was closer to that of the Church of England, on that account were nearer the truth than the
Roman Catholics.
"You were talking about yourself," replied the
Roman Candle.
"How do you make out that the
Roman Catholic religion is UNCHRISTIAN?
By the assistance of some rudely constructed machinery, the heavily laden basket was now carefully lowered down among the multitude; and, from the giddy pinnacle, the
Romans were seen gathering confusedly round it; but owing to the vast height and the prevalence of a fog, no distinct view of their operations could be obtained.
He mixed up these
Roman halfpence with the honour of the Carstairs family in the same stiff, idolatrous way as his father before him.
Of the
Roman and British civilization the Anglo-Saxons were ruthless destroyers, exulting, like other barbarians, in the wanton annihilation of things which they did not understand.
I was concerned in getting at the Greeks and
Romans, and I did not know through what nimble air and by what lovely ways I was led to them.
The King of the
Romans took refuge within an old mill, and here it was that Norman of Torn found him barricaded.
When Tigranes the Armenian, being encamped upon a hill with four hundred thousand men, discovered the army of the
Romans, being not above fourteen thousand, marching towards him, he made himself merry with it, and said, Yonder men are too many for an embassage, and too few for a fight.
Hence arose those frequent rebellions against the
Romans in Spain, France, and Greece, owing to the many principalities there were in these states, of which, as long as the memory of them endured, the
Romans always held an insecure possession; but with the power and long continuance of the empire the memory of them passed away, and the
Romans then became secure possessors.