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A poplar leaf once scarred by insect attack kicks its defense genes into high gear faster during the next attack than a naive leaf does, says De Moraes.
In summer, perhaps attracted by the night's sweet Aspen mist, the Swallow-tailed Butterfly flits in and out of the foliage, some of which is now showing the gray trails of an almost microscopic insect, the Poplar Leaf Miner that earns its living excavating chlorophyll from the top surface of Aspen foliage.
The productive potential of the soil was also evaluated for its effect on the germination and growth of commonly used pasture species by the addition of poplar leaf litter to soil collected from the mature poplar--pasture and open pasture areas.
(1996), adding poplar leaf litter to soil was shown to increase pH.
I snapped a poplar leaf off a tree along the way, held it in my right hand and flicked it back and forth, shiny side/dull side/shiny/dull like a spangle; and closed a light fist around the reins in my left hand and let my horse clip clop slosh slush push and heave us through the stream slow and steady, rocking side to side until the enormous weight of his chest lifted us up and over the bank and he shuddered and shimmied and I let myself have the full lurch of him deep in my saddle.
Rates (k) of yellow poplar leaf breakdown differed among the streams (Table 2) with the highest rates occurring in the larger hardwater streams (Schultz and Big Sandy).
Examination of cross-sections of enzymatically digested grey poplar leaf cuticles by TEM revealed that they were attached at least to the outer layer of the epidermal cell wall.
Thus, the eucalypt leaf cuticle embedded in both resins could be assigned to Holloway's Type 2, the poplar leaf cuticle to Type 4 if embedded in Spurr's resin and to Type 3 or 4 if embedded in LR-White resin (depending on the micrograph), and finally the pear leaf cuticle to Type 3 [10, 33] after embedding in LR-White resin and to Type 7, as suggested by Jeffree [8] after embedding in Spurr's resin.