personal digital assistant

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a lightweight consumer electronic device that looks like a hand-held computer but instead performs specific tasks

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References in periodicals archive ?
The character has the ability to adapt and learn, hence, the new Microsoft personal digital assistant.
From cell phones and global-positioning systems to BlackBerry devices and personal digital assistants, mobile technologies not only are creating a real-time service to help companies increase efficiencies, but also are strengthening customer satisfaction and reducing costs.
The school is using Defywire's Mobile Guardian wireless solution, which keeps track of students' whereabouts using the HP personal digital assistant.
PDA stands for Personal Digital Assistant, which started out as posh electronic Filofaxes made by firms such as Palm and Psion.
Hitachi noted that it plans to introduce the DMFC by 2005 for use in a compatible personal digital assistant.
Between classes, performances, and physio, it's hard for me to keep track of everything, but Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) makes it much easier.
The company said it decided to build the second production line in view of growing orders for system LCD panels, which are used in digital cameras, mobile phones and other personal digital assistant devices.
The Motorola A760 combines the regular features of a mobile phone with the capabilities of a personal digital assistant (PDA), digital camera, video player, MP3 player, speakerphone, advanced messaging, instant Internet access and Bluetooth wireless technology, the company said.
A personal digital assistant that can operate while submerged in water could be useful to soldiers and sailors.
computerization, digitalization and the ever present Personal Digital Assistant or PDA.
GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc., offers the CIMPLICITY[R] PalmView, a hand-held Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with CIMPLICITY collaborative production management software and a wireless Ethernet card.
* the ability to interface with handheld computers or PDA (personal digital assistant) devices.
The new hand-held reader/writer system includes a personal digital assistant that executes software programs for tag programming, inventory counting, and item locating.
Using Bluetooth, you may soon be able to link your laptop, cell phone, personal digital assistant, and MP3 player.
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