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United States philosopher (1876-1957)

United States admiral who led a naval expedition to Japan and signed a treaty in 1854 opening up trade relations between United States and Japan

United States commodore who led the fleet that defeated the British on Lake Erie during the War of 1812

a fermented and often effervescent beverage made from juice of pears

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References in classic literature ?
Perry pulled it toward him, and once again we were plunging downward toward eternity at the rate of seven miles an hour.
Perry was becoming more hopeful, although upon what meager food he sustained his optimism I could not conjecture.
"What are the readings now, David?" Perry's voice broke in upon my somber reflections.
The very fact, as Perry took pains to explain, of the blasting of several very exact and learned scientific hypotheses made it apparent that we could not know what lay before us within the bowels of the earth, and so we might continue to hope for the best, at least until we were dead--when hope would no longer be essential to our happiness.
When I announced it Perry reached over and hugged me.
"I do not know, Perry," I answered; "but thank God, if I am to die it shall not be by fire--that is all that I have feared.
Glenarm hated Perry, Perry (judging by appearances) was in no danger of loving Mrs.
Perry consulted an elaborate watch, constructed to mark time to the fifth of a second, and answered Geoffrey, with his eye all the while on Mrs.
She glided along by his side, with subtle undulations of movement which appeared to complete the exasperation of Perry. He waited until she was out of hearing--and then he invoked (let us say) the blasts of heaven on the fashionably-dressed head of Mrs.
The face of Perry looked unutterable things when he and Geoffrey met at the door of the cottage.
"What did I say when I first come here?" proceeded Perry, sternly.
But Geoffrey himself was afraid to show his temper in the presence of Perry. In view of the coming race, the first and foremost of British trainers was not to be trifled with, even by the first and foremost of British athletes.
Perry," said he, in a voice of very strong displeasure, "would do as well to keep his opinion till it is asked for.
Woodhouse was rather agitated by such harsh reflections on his friend Perry, to whom he had, in fact, though unconsciously, been attributing many of his own feelings and expressions; but the soothing attentions of his daughters gradually removed the present evil, and the immediate alertness of one brother, and better recollections of the other, prevented any renewal of it.
And then Perry turned and threw his arms about my neck and, burying his old face upon my shoulder, wept like a child.