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Synonyms for Pandanaceae

nounfamily of woody plants of the order Pandanales including pandanus

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References in periodicals archive ?
Chiropterophily and ornithophily in Freycinetia (Pandanaceae) in Samoa Plant Evolution and Systematics 144:277-290.
Marakarmah (Zoology Division) went to the peat swamp forest in Sebangau, Central Kalimantan, to do studies on the ecology and distribution of Pandanaceae. December 2-11, 2005, N.
Some large monocot families have long scalariform end walls on tracheary elements (Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae, and Pandanaceae, for example).
The pattern seen in Typha is present in Freycinetia of the Pandanaceae also.
Similar situations occur in Cyclanthaceae and Pandanaceae (Fig.
Number: RV480 Pandanaceae Galearia fulva (Tul.) Miq.
Recognition of Martellidendron, a new genus of Pandanaceae. and its biogeographic implications.
A new species of Pandanites from the Maastrichtian of south-central New Mexico: implications for the history of Pandanaceae. Botany 2006 Abstracts.
(Umloideipites sp.), Pandanaceae Pandanus (Pandaniidites sp.), and
12 Aug 1843 (Pandanoideae).--Type: Pandanus Parkinson; Pandanaceae R.
silica), palms (silica: Molisch, 1913), Pandanaceae (crystals: Kohl,
In Pandanus (Pandanaceae), nucellar cells between the hypostase and the embryo sac enlarge and break off into the embryo sac, where they further divide (Fagerlind, 1940; Cheah & Stone, 1975).
Embryo sac and microsporangium development in Pandanus (Pandanaceae).