mother lode

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Synonyms for mother lode

the main vein of ore in a deposit

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References in periodicals archive ?
The lifestyle brand made headlines in the United Kingdom on Sunday, for allegedly selling a potentially hazardous product called 'The Mother Load' to expectant mothers.
The Mother Load: How to Meet Your Own Needs While Caring for Your Family.
Adam calls the occurrence the Mother Load [sic: his mother has loaded him up, as it were, with support] Pocket Complex, and his development of it is ongoing.
"We've already established there are smaller deposits, but you're always looking for that mother load that will pay for the infrastructure."
Less touching, but certainly a motivating essay, is Terri Minsky's "The Mother Load." Minsky, a television show creator/executive producer and writer, is the woman I will never be but secretly would love to be, a woman who has an opportunity to get a show on a network and takes it because she knows it's a thousand-to-one shot.
FIVE'S COMPANY: One big happy family Pictures: DIETMAR STIPLOVSEK; THE MOTHER LOAD: Heavily pregnant Mae
Here you'll find the 'Mother Load' of information that even your mother doesn't know about you.
Frank went around the table introducing the members of Mother Load and told her about our upcoming appearance at Ozzfest, making promises we'd be back with backstage passes for her and all her friends.
Evidently, though, the mother load is requesting permission to dock, as JULIE GOODYEAR has been telling creator BRIAN PARK how much she loves the show.
And when the shingle-back--also known as the stumpy lizard--delivers, it's a mother load. "Baby stumpies are very large," says biologist Suzy Munns at Adelaide University in Australia.
* The Web, industry pundits lead us to believe, will be a slam dunk Mother Load of commerce.