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In the first experiment, mycelial growth of the different strains of Morchella for the different types of grain showed significant differences (Tukey p<0.05) among treatments, with rye (28.6[cm.sup.2]) manifesting the most prolific growth of any of the strains analyzed, followed by oats (15.2[cm.sup.2]), wheat (6.5[cm.sup.2]) and maize (4.5[cm.sup.2]).
Estos taxa tradicionales incluyeron en algunos casos a varias especies de generos particulares, como Ramaria, Boletus y Morchella, entre otros; asi, las distintas especies del genero Ramaria identificadas en los mercados, recibieron el nombre generico tradicional de "escobetas" en las comunidades.
PROPRIEDADES NUTRACEUTICAS DE Morchella vulgaris (Pers.) Boud.
Para Colombia no existe informe previo de algun representante de la familia Morchellaceae, por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente articulo es documentar al genero Morchella como primer representante de la familia, proporcionando un nuevo registro para la micota de Colombia y ampliando la distribucion geografica de la familia en Suramerica.
The fungal species in the Indiana checklist demonstrate the wide range of fungal diversity that exist in the state, and a number of species in the maerofungi checklist have importance to humans, such as deadly poisonous mushrooms (e.g., Amanita phalloides, see Pringle & Vellinga 2006) and choice edibles (e.g., Cantharellus and Morchella, see Molina et al.
Aboul-Enein, "The antioxidant activity of two wild edible mushrooms (Morchella vulgaris and Morchella esculanta)," in Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, vol.
Though Konuk et al [19] reported that iron, as a micronutrient, is common in all the wild mushrooms (Sarcosphaerea crassa, Morchella costata, Helvella leucopus) that they have investigated, iron was not prevalent among the species of Pleurotus under study.
Genus: CODONELLOPSIS JAlrgensen 1924 Codonellopsis longa Kofoid and Campbell 1929 Codonellopsis morchella (Cleve) JAlrgensen 1924 Codonellopsis orthoceras (Haeckel) JAlrgensen 1924 Codonellopsis schabi (Brandt) Kofoid and Campbell 1929
Isolation, partial characterization and immunomodulatory activities of polysaccharide from Morchella esculenta.
Two types of Morel (Morchella esculenta and Morchella elata) are highly prized edible mushroom in Pakistan.
rubescens Pers., Boletus edulis Bull., Cantharellus cibarius Fr., Lactarius indigo (Schwein.) Fr., Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers., Russula brevipes Peck, y Ustilago maydis (DC.) Corda, entre muchas otras (Herrera y Guzman, 1961; Mapes et al., 1981; Bandala et al., 1997; Montoya et al., 2003).
Aboul-Enein, "Antioxidant activity of two wild edible mushrooms (Morchella vulgaris and Morchella esculanta) from North Turkey," Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening, vol.