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Related to Marxist: Karl Marx, socialism, Marxist Theory
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Synonyms for Marxist

an advocate of Marxism

emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries

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References in periodicals archive ?
For Marxists, this fundamental flaw has long been acknowledged as a central feature of the free-market system.
Among those arrested included Peking University Marxist Society member Zhan Zhenzhen, who had previously investigated working conditions for low-paid workers at the university.
There was an alternative option and Marxist ideology provided the hope for that, he summed up.
Islamabad [Pakistan], Jan 22 ( ANI ): The USD 60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, in reality, means increased misery and exploitation of Pakistani citizens, says the Congress of Pakistan Marxists.
Yet others prefer Marxist political parties, and thus lean more toward China.
At first it would seem that a dialogue between Christians and Marxists would be impossible.
As a Pope, what does it feel like to be called a "Marxist"?"
A Marxist group, the People's Liberation Front, which led two uprisings first in 1971 and again in 1987 to 1989 against the government, said the bodies may belong to its members killed by security forces and demanded that the government to conduct a full investigation.
The murder of rebel communist leader Chandrasekharan earlier this month, and the letter dashed off by Achuthanandan has severely rocked the Communist Party of India Marxist state unit.
The book has a rather in-house feel to it, as the likes of Badiou, Zizek, Ranciere, and Negri form a kind of exclusive Marxist coterie which continually refers to the work of its clique.
For example, the chapter on the Marxist perspective offer this introduction: The philosophy that grounds Marxist theory is materialism.
THE ORIGINS of the Naxalite movement lie in the "pro-Chinese" faction in the Communist Party of India (Marxist) that had become increasingly dissatisfied with the policies and ideological positions of the party.
Antony shared the dais with arch political rivals, the Marxist chief minister V.
THIS refers to the letter 'Shocking reality' by A Marxist (GDN, January 29).
Indian Marxists back Iran: The Communist Party of India (Marxist) says the United States is using its proposed nuclear agreement with India as a ploy to make India an ally who will aid Washington in an attack on Iran once the deal is sealed.