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Words related to loti

the basic unit of money in Lesotho

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References in periodicals archive ?
Les differentes positions sur les notions de justice globale que nous avons exposees n'epuisent evidemment pas l'etendue des arguments sur la justice distributive, les droits humains et la responsabilite des citoyens globalement mieux lotis vis-a-vis des pauvres.
They were in a package of 250 mixed bromeliads and orchids costing US$25 from Lotis Osiris in Brazil.
Son analyse met aussi en valeur une histoire par le bas qui ne s'en tient pas a une approche politique ou institutionnelle mais qui, au contraire, revele le puissant moteur que constituerent les initiatives privees, celles des Iotisseurs comme celles des lotis, dans la croissance de l'espace urbain parisien a cette epoque.
The main use of this project was to create a method of extracting more information from the large amounts of data collected by the SARA and LOTIS telescopes while they were searching for other objects.
It was after that while doing a pianist stint at a club that he was 'discovered' by one of England's top choreographers, Irving Davies, and was soon accompanying the likes of Lita Rosa, Denis Lotis, Dorothy Squires, Shani Wallis, Adelaide Hall and even the great Gracie Fields.
Soon he was accompanying singers such as Lita Rosa, Denis Lotis and Dorothy Squires and working regularly with Billy Cotton.
Sunday Mercury reader Michael Kaveney of Hollybank Road, Billesley wondered what happened to Dennis Lotis.
In this respect, it has much in common with a number of seemingly disparate pictures, all of which have deep agricultural roots and are rooted in Ovid's Fasti: Bellini's Feast of the Gods, in which Priapus, the tutelary divinity of gardens, is seen attempting to priapize the sleeping Lotis; Pontormo's fresco of Vertumnus (another god of the gardens) painted at Poggio a Caiano; and Botticelli's Primavera, where Flora (goddess of flowers and also a deity of gardens) presides.
Many other species are not currently in formal SSPs but are included in AZA member-institution conservation initiatives, such as recovery programs for the American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus), Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides argyrognomon lotis), and Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus).
Global distributions are formed by distributing the population (P) across the other five variables (LOTIS).
The Greek myth is that Lotis, a daughter of Poseidon, fleeing from Priapus, was changed into a tree, which was called Lotus after her.
Peut-etre est-il encore premature d'avancer une telle affirmation au vu des nombreuses critiques auxquelles l'actuel locataire de la Maison Blanche fait face chaque jour aussi bien au titre de la conduite des affaires interieures de l'Etat que dans le cadre de la nouvelle politique internationale menee par les Etats-Unis mais, force est de reconnaitre, toutefois, que ses illustres predecesseurs, ayant rempile pour un second mandat, n'etaient pas mieux lotis et pourtant...
200 Kent, WA 98032 (253) 872-9500 Fax: (253) 872-8967 Website: www.qi2.com Email: contactqi2@qi2.com Jonathan Kniss, director, business development Instrumentation: Lotis QC-20 hose measurement system Services offered: Sales and service R&C Roll Grinding, Inc.