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* excessive mental activity; rush of ideas (Carley: "I have a talker in my head," "I can't shut it off," "Loosey, goosey mind.")
Follow the journey of the scatterbrained Henny Penny and friends Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey, as they race to inform the king that the sky is falling.
The students learn the concept "righty-tighty and lefty loosey" during the screw-hatch relay.
Johns Hopkins University recently revamped its first-year mechanical engineering program to include labs where students who have never used a wrench learn "righty tighty, lefty loosey" while discovering how an internal combustion engine works.
We use these all the time, from remembering which way to turn a screw (righty tighty, lefty loosey) to the notes on a scale (every good boy deserves fudge).
Summary: Dubai Death: 'The Last Assassination of its Kind'?; Loosey Goosey Saudi; How to Get Customers on Facebook and Twitter; Recovery in Progress; Car recalls: from Toyota to Nissan; The World's Most Anticipated Architecture
And then there is "truthiness." This weasel word was coined by American comedian Stephen Colbert to describe the trend in current politics and popular culture to be a little loosey goosey with the facts.
For those who are spatially challenged and whose parents didn't tattoo an "L" and an "R" on the backs of their respective hands at birth, remember: Righty tighty; lefty loosey. Secondly, this wrench and vise arrangement is capable of exerting tremendous force but, alas, dedicated professional/industrial barrel vises are capable of exerting even more.
Susan Valauri says the second project started very "loosey goosey," from a planning sense, and with a higher, cost-plus markup of 25% (see "An Artist's Apology," page 78).
Gareth Luton (2), Josh Loosey and John Rumney were the Sychdyn scorers with Shane Parry responding.
Endorsements from disciples with names like Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey aren't likely to inspire confidence, but later this month Chicken Licken may finally shed the stigma of Cassandra and earn the attention an alert herald deserves.