For example,
Lappula occidentalis was over twice as prevalent within the near Sagebrush transect than any of the other transects, Descurainia sophia was 1.5 times more prevalent, and Chenopodium fremontii was over 40 times as prevalent in the Sagebrush near transect in comparison to any of the other transects.
Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort.--in Latvia single specimens or small stands occur in dry weedy places, railway edges, sand and gravel pits, and on riverbank slopes (Prieditis, 2012).
The native annual grass, Vulpia octoflora, forbs,
Lappula redwoskii, Chenapodium leptophyllum, and Descurainia pinnata increased with nitrogen fertilization in mixed grass and shortgrass prairies (Samuel and Hart 1998; Houston and van der Sluijs 1973; Wight and black 1979; Hyder and Bement 1964).
mackenzii (Richards.) Welsh A Y X
Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) Dumont Y GP Linum lewisii Pursh A Y GP X X Maianthemum stellatum (L.) Link A Y GP Melandrium apetalum (L.) Fenzl(1) Y Mertensia paniculata (Ait.) G.
Water from snow melt and rainfall promotes the growth of the ephemeral and ephemeroid plants, such as Erodium oxyrrhynchum,
Lappula sp, Nonea caspica, Tragopogon sabulosus, Eremurus sp and Erysimum cheiranthoides (Yang et al., 2009).
Lappula squarrosa, etc.), bien por ser aloctonas, algunas tambien escasamente citadas (Consolida ajacis, Lonicera japonica, Phalaris canariensis, etc.), bien por conocerse en la provincia, pero no haber sido mencionadas como asilvestradas (Lens culinaris, Solanum tuberosum, Zea mays),bien por la presencia de endemismos ibericos, algunos tipicos ruderales (como los cardos citados anteriormente) y otros procedentes de las areas adyacentes y aparentemente fuera de lugar (Dianthus pungens subsp.
For example, the burrs of Geum aleppicum Jacq, consist of achenes each with a single, long (1-2 cm) hook, and are presented collectively in dense clusters at the apex of the plant, whereas those of
Lappula echinata Gilib.
The species from genus Sterigmostemum, Alyssum, Scorzonera, Erysimum, Eremurus, Sonchus, and
Lappula are common here.