Response of wood nettle (
Laportea canadensis) to Euro-American land-use in southeast Minnesota.
Laportea aestuans (L.) Chew, detalle de la inflorescencia y habito de crecimiento.
Nettle (Urtica dioica &
Laportea canadensis) Young growth as a cooked green.
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) otherwise known as barn nettle or English nettle, and her cousin wood nettle (
Laportea canadensis), are plentiful in our area.
They lived in clearings in the forest surrounded by their food plants (Galium ruwenzoriensis, Peucedanum linderi, Carduus nyassanus,
Laportea alatipes, Prunus [= Pygeum] africanum, etc.) and often descended on food-hunting expeditions to lower altitudes (7,874-8,858 ft [2,400-2,700 m]) for bamboo (Arundinaria alpina).
Biomass allocation and geometry of the clonal forest herb
Laportea canadensis: adaptive responses to the environment or allometric constraints?
virginica, Cryptotaenia canadensis, lodanthus pinnatifidus, and
Laportea canadensis appear at the top [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 7 OMITTED].
Diospyros maritima is the most common species, followed by Bischofia javanica, Drypetes littoralis, Pisonia umbellifera,
Laportea pterostigma, Aglaia formosana, Palaquium formosanum, Gonocaryum calleryanum and Pouteria obovata.
Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.--CW, SW; MWL; Infrequent but locally common; C = 2; BSUH 19958.
virginianum * 0.844 0.140 0.98 Impatiens capensis 0.044 0.280 0.32 Impatiens pallida 2.307 5.31 7.62
Laportea canadensis 11.962 7.83 19.79 Ligusticum canadense 0.098 0.21 0.31 Listera smallii 0.007 0.07 0.08 Lycopus sp.
Our report on Alternanthera sessilis (Amaranthaceae),
Laportea aestuans (Urticaceae) and Scleria melaleuca (Cyperaceae) are new association records for this species (Table 2), implying that this thrips might not has a strict monophagous habit, as it was asserted by Mound (2002).
The local names provided by the Kavirajes were mostly in Bangla language (48 plants) with the local names of only two plants, Amorphophallus campanulatus and
Laportea crenulata being in the Santal language.
Size-dependent resource allocation among vegetative propagules and male and female functions in the forest herb
Laportea bulbifera.
There are two species of nettle in our area: "Barn Nettle," Urtica dioica, and "Wood Nettle,"
Laportea canadensis.
Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.