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(Greek mythology) the goddess of youth and spring

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References in classic literature ?
It was my custom then to rise early, to read Latin authors,--thanks to Hebe, still unread.
No silken madam, by your leave, Though wondrous, wondrous she be, Can lure this heart--upon my sleeve-- From little pink-print Hebe.
Hebe blushed, and for answer whispered something too sweet to tell.
"Well done!" said Erskine coolly, as the last fragment of Hebe's head crumbled at the touch of the bullet.
Hebe Uhart and Maureen Shaughnessy (translator); THE SCENT OF BUENOS AIRES; Archipelago (Fiction: Translations) 24.00 ISBN: 9781939810342
The secret to hydrangea care is in its name - hydra is the Greek for water and that's what they need Hebe ' plenty of, so keep your hydrangeas wellhydrated, particularly in the summer.
Hebe 'Midsummer Beauty' has Hebe 'Midsummer Beautiful long spikes of small lilac flowers that flower effortlessly through the summer and as late as November.
Hebe 'Midsummer Beauty' has Hebe ' beautiful long spikes of small lilac flowers that flower effortlessly through the summer and as late as November.
A NECTAR-rich flowers such as honesty, aubrieta, bergenia, inula, hebe, lavender, French marigolds, thyme, hyssop and marjoram are great magnets for butterflies.
Dwarf evergreen Hebe Heartbreaker is a magnificent evergreen shrub Veronica with striking cream edged green foliage from spring to autumn, turning vivid pink in winter.
WORSHIPPED AS JUVENTAS in ancient Rome, the goddess Hebe makes only fleeting appearances in the myths of ancient Greece.
A statement from HIM stated that the three members of S.H.E, Selina Jen, Hebe Tien, and Ella Chen, have each set up their own management agencies.