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Synonyms for Gheg

nounthe dialect of Albanian spoken in northern Albania and Yugoslavia


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And also Imer Topanica, who like Ervina writes mostly in the Gheg dialect, and who brings mysticism and spirituality to his work.
Albanians comprised two ethnic sub-groups, Ghegs in the north and Tosks in the south, yet this division was generally less significant than the effects of a relentless succession of high mountain ranges which split the land into isolated valley communities, self-sufficient and often hostile to their neighbours.
Reluctant to trust anyone, except his own Mati adherents, he contrived to keep his hold on power by playing each social group off against another: Ghegs against Tosks, landowners against townsmen, army against gendarmerie, Muslims against Christians, Roman Catholic against Orthodox, and clan against clan.
First, Albanians are divided into two main groups: the Ghegs, living in the North (where a third of the population lives) and the Tosks, living in the South.
The remaining spam botnets consisting of 5,000 to 30,000 bots each includes Asprox, Fuflo, Waledac, Fivetoon / DMSSpammer, Xarvester, Bobax, Gheg and Bagle.
GH geegaw / heehaw GJ gagman / jajman GL gadger / ladler GN agog / anon GP gurgle / purple GS gouge / souse GV Galga / valva GY dogleg / doyley GI wagwag / Waiwai GK gong / konk GM gorgon / Mormon GO gleg / oleo GR gugal / rural GT disgorged / distorted GW Gheg / whew GZ gange / zanze