The species used as reference to evaluate andcorrect the incidence of positive phases are:blackbird (Turdus fuscater), red beak moorhen(
Gallinula chloropus), shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis), rufous-collared sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis), and yellow beak moorhen (Fulica americana).
These pools are important feeding and spawning grounds for several species, such as Hippopotamus amphibious, Chamaeleo dilepis, and Proatheris superciliaris, birds, such as Dendrocygna, Phalacrocorax africanus,
Gallinula angulata, Porphyrio porphyrio, Plectropterus spp., Pelecanus spp., Bubulcus spp., Larus spp., and Diplachne fusca, and fish species, such as Barbus paludinosus, Barbus trimaculatus, Clarias gariepinus, and Oreochromis shiranus chilwae.
Aporte al conocimiento de la biologia alimentaria de la pollona negra
Gallinula chloropus en el Parana Medio, Argentina.
1) species which are not popular quarries including moorhen
Gallinula chloropus, skylark Alauda arvensis and starling Sturnus vulgaris, and thus hunting disturbance is unlikely to cause any impact on the populations;
Durante este estudio se escogieron aleatoriamente 100 aves silvestres correspondientes a 11 familias (Psittacidae, Ramphastidae, Ophistocomidae, Cracidae, Anatidae, Icteridae, Alaudidae, Burhinidae, Phoenicopteridae, Anhimidae y Rallidae) y 16 especies (Ara ararauna, Ara macao, Amazona spp, Amazona ochrocephala, Ramphastos toco, Aulacorhynchus prasinus, Ramphastos tucanus, Ophistocomus hoazin, Crax Alberti, Anas discors, Agelaius icterocephalus, Alauda arvensis, Burhinus bistriatus, Phoenicopterus ruber roseus, Chauna chavarria,
Gallinula chloropus), a las cuales se les tomo muestras correspondientes a 4 gramos de materia fecal [22].
Biologia e censo de Porphyrula martinica,
Gallinula chloropus e Jacana jacana em Dois Irmaos, Pernambuco, Brasil.
Clamorous Reed Warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus and Moorhen
Gallinula chloropus favour the mangroves and brackish pools on the east side of the khor.
dolandi Procambarus Antennal Glands Turner, 2009 acutus Athesmia
Gallinula Liver Bile Duct Denton & heterolecithoides chloropus Byrd, 1951 Baschkirovitrema Lutra canadensis Intestine Kollars et incrassatum al., 1997 Brachycoelium Ambystoma opacum Intestine Parker, 1941 storeriae Brachylaemus Didelphis Intestine Byrd et al., opisthotrias virginana 1942 B.
Gallinula chloropus) because the distal metacarpal symphysis is more concave, and metacarpal III is relatively stouter in medial aspect.
(179) For example, rats, mongooses, feral cats, and dogs cannot be removed from the Hawaiian Islands where they have endangered species such as the Hawaiian moorhen (
Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis).