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Synonyms for GHQ

military headquarters from which a military commander controls and organizes the forces

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Later, a meeting was also held at the GHQ where issuance of PB Arms licenses to general officers, officers equivalent/other ranks of military in the light of notification dated 13 December 2018 was discussed.
Lt Gen Ghayur Mahmood, who is currently posted as Military Secretary at GHQ, was commissioned in Frontier Force regiment in 1982.
"Perhaps the attack on the GHQ may prove to be a watershed that compels the security and civilian establishment, as well as most of the opposition groups, to realize that the time to distinguish between (so-called) good and bad religious militants or Taliban was over, and a consensus was needed to confront all such groups as enemies of the state," said Zaffar Abbas, an editor at Dawn.
Guide for the use of the different validated versions in Spanish language [Cuestionario de Salud General GHQ. Guia para el usuario de las distintas versiones en lengua espanola validadas].
During the visit to the GHQ, Army Chief Gen Bajwa had thanked Prime Minister Khan for 'reposing confidence' in the army.
Earlier, on arrival at GHQ, Maj Gen Duishenbiev laid a floral wreath at Yadgar-e-Shuhada.A smartly turned out contingent of Pakistan Army presented guard of honour to the dignitary.
The air force commander's visit came following Iranian Ambassador to Pakistan Mehdi Honardoost who called on General Qamar at the GHQ on February 19.
It was the day when GHQ came under a determined terrorist attack.
Rawalpindi, Oct.11 (ANI): The Pakistan Army on Sunday said that the attack launched by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) terrorists on the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi was in its final stages, and confirmed the rescue of 25 hostages.
Lt Gen Azhar Saleh Abbasi - Chief of Logistics Staff, GHQ
RAWALPINDI: Commander of UAE Land Forces Major General Saleh Mohammad Saleh Megren Al-Ameri called on Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa here at GHQ on Monday.
Islamabad -- The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Thursday ordered the Defence Ministry to submit a report on an inquiry conducted into former Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief retired Lt Gen Asad Durrani by General Headquarters (GHQ) after the former spy chief sought removal of his name from the no-fly list.
Among those who have been appointed and posted on different slots included Lieutenant General Azhar Saleh Abbassi who has been given the post of Chief of Logistics Staff, GHQ, Lieutenant General Asim Munir ISI Director General and Lieutenant General Nadeem Zaki Commander Mangla Corps.
RAWALPINDI -- Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Major General Asif Ghafoor has said that Prime Minister Imran Khan visited military's general headquarters (GHQ) to get briefing on security matters on Thursday.
Earlier, the former spy chief arrived at the Pakistan Army's General Headquarters (GHQ) after being summoned to explain his position on the book.