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Synonyms for euclidian

relating to geometry as developed by Euclid


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References in classic literature ?
Stelling's continued demand for Euclid. But his faith broke down under the apparent absence of all help when he got into the irregular verbs.
Stelling not to let me do Euclid; it brings on the toothache, I think."
" You help me, you silly little thing!" said Tom, in such high spirits at this announcement that he quite enjoyed the idea of confounding Maggie by showing her a page of Euclid. "I should like to see you doing one of my lessons!
what I've got to do," said Tom, drawing Maggie toward him and showing her his theorem, while she pushed her hair behind her ears, and prepared herself to prove her capability of helping him in Euclid. She began to read with full confidence in her own powers, but presently, becoming quite bewildered, her face flushed with irritation.
She knew she could do Euclid, for she had looked into it again, and she saw what A B C meant; they were the names of the lines.
Stelling," she said, that same evening when they were in the drawing-room, "couldn't I do Euclid, and all Tom's lessons, if you were to teach me instead of him?"
As we turned and moved again through the temple, I wished that the illustrious men who had sat in it in the remote ages could visit it again and reveal themselves to our curious eyes--Plato, Aristotle, Demosthenes, Socrates, Phocion, Pythagoras, Euclid, Pindar, Xenophon, Herodotus, Praxiteles and Phidias, Zeuxis the painter.
Indeed, in the wild school of caricature then current, Mr Max Beerbohm had represented him as a proposition in the fourth book of Euclid.
In her desire to be in all things his companion, she would have set herself with equal zeal to master Algebra, or Euclid, if he had divided his soul between her and either.
Peerybingle, going out into the raw twilight, and clicking over the wet stones in a pair of pattens that worked innumerable rough impressions of the first proposition in Euclid all about the yard--Mrs.
"I cannot employ you without a character," said Miss Wilson, amused by his scrap of Euclid, and wondering where he had picked it up.
A subsequent investigation indicated there had been several attempts to enter homes on Euclid and W.
Release date- 25072019 - Madrid- Thales Alenia Space in Spain has delivered the communications module for the Euclid satellite to Thales Alenia Space's Turin plant, where it will be integrated with the service module.