Cassia alata

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Cassia alataCassia alata
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nountropical shrub (especially of Americas) having yellow flowers and large leaves whose juice is used as a cure for ringworm and poisonous bites

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References in periodicals archive ?
Ayub et al., "Luteolin and kaempferol from Cassia alata, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of its methanolic extracts," FUUAST Journal of Biology, vol.
Reddy, "Efficient and robust biofabrication of silver nanoparticles by cassia alata leaf extract and their antimicrobial activity," Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, vol.
The Cassia alata extract was orally administered by single dosage of 200 mg per body weight daily for 4 weeks.
obtained from squeezed leaves of Cassia alata is applied to affected areas with a little salt and paste of clove of Allium sativum.
Quadrat studies revealed high frequency and abundance of some other taxa like Ageratum conyzoides, Cassia alata, Eichhornia crassipes, Leucaena esculenta, Mallotus philippensis, and Phragmites australis (Table 1).
Hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of Cassia alata leaves have been reported to demonstrate antiinflammatory activities; additionally, the chloroform extract of leaves was found to be antimutagenic, while the ethyl acetate extract exhibited hypoglycemic properties (Villasenor et al., 2002).
A eficiencia de extratos etanolicos de Cassia alata e Senna alata foi verificada no controle de diversas especies de fungos como: M.canis, T.
Kulubung tambang -- GRAMINAE Cymbopogon nardus Sogumau tandaa Serai wangi GRAMINAE Dinochloa scandenis Wadan Root HYPERICACEAE Cratoxylum sumatranum Morugion -- LABIATAE Ocinum sanctum Bawing kuda Selasih LAURACEAE Litsea odorifera Tandas Padang mawas LAURACEAE Cinnamomum iners Magkapur Teja LEGUMINOSAE Derris elliptica Limpodos/tubo/gam Tuba ut LEGUMINOSAE Cassia occidentalis Kurubawa manuk -- LEGUMINOSAE Cassia alata Kurubawai Gelenggang LEGUMINOSAE Dalbergia sp.
Successfully commercialized herbal drugs with various indications that were developed through academic research and development include: Vitex negundo tablets and syrup for nonbacterial cough; Blumea balsamifera tablets for urolithiasis and diuresis; Cassia alata lotion for fungal infection; and Mentha cordifolia tablets as analgesic.
Leaves of Cassia alata was used by the TMP for treatment of stomach pain due to bloating or indigestion (Serial Number 16).
A combination of leaves and roots of Cassia alata was used by the Chakma tribe; a combination of leaves and flowers of Hibiscus rosa sinensis L.
Cassia alata, which is used for skin disorders in Rajshahi is also considered a medicinal plant of dermatologic importance in Nigeria (Ajose, 2007).