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a resident of Cambridge

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References in periodicals archive ?
He demonstrates that the cultural processes that governed the way in which Cantabrigian undergraduates sitting for the Mathematical Tripos initially came to grips with their subject matter had some bearing on the mathematical product that eventually appeared on the published page.
It was O'Neill, the quintessential blue-collar Cantabrigian, who coined the phrase "All politics is local." For Nyhan, so, too, was all journalism.
Lubenow adheres to a dry empiricism and rigorous abstention from overt theory which he deems appropriately Cantabrigian and Apostolic.
Cantabrigian economics: a critique of Piero Sraffa, Joan Robinson and Company' (URPE 1974).
A short stay in this burial ground will also reveal the last resting places of Nobel prize winner Sir John Cockcroft, two of Charles Darwin's sons and the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, as well as many other distinguished past Cantabrigians.
Tucsonans William Hartmann and Donald Davis saw the Moon-forming event as the logical extrapolation of the solar system's violent cratering history, whereas Cantabrigians Alastair Cameron and William Ward saw it as a way to explain the Earth-Moon system's copious angular momentum.
It's the only way to teach these Cantabrigians not to take themselves too seriously.