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Related to Caenolestidae: Common shrew opossum
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Synonyms for Caenolestidae

small marsupials of southern South America

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References in periodicals archive ?
Order Family Species Habitat Paucituberculata Caenolestidae Lestoros inca F Carnivora Canidae Pseudalopex G culpaeus Mustelidae Mustela frenata FG Artiodactyla Cervidae Odocoileus FG virginianus Rodentia Muridae Akodon torques FG Akodon subfuscus G Microryzomys G minutus Thomasomys F daphne Thomasomys sp.
A new species of northern shrew-opossum (Paucituberculata: Caenolestidae) from the Cordillera del Condor, Ecuador.
Caenolestidae Caanolestes fuliginosos ORDEN PILOSA Fam.
A new species of northern shrew-opossum (Paucituberculata: Caenolestidae) with a phylogeny of extant caenolestids.
Perez-Hernandez Oriental, & Ventura, 2006 flanco oriental Philander Colombia: 0-1600 opossum ausente de (Linnaeus, Caribe y 1758) Orinoquia PAUCITUBERCULATA Familia Caenolestidae Caenolestes Thomas, 1895 Caenolestes Andina: Cord.
Untersuchungen zur Systematik der Rezenten Caenolestidae Trouessart, 1898: Unter Verwendung craniometrischer Methoden.