C. Vann Woodward

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nounUnited States historian (1908-1999)

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C. Vann Woodward was born in Vanndale, Arkansas on November 13, 1908 to Hugh and Bess Woodward.
The renowned historian C. Vann Woodward, an emeritus professor at Yale University, was born in 1908 in his grandmother's house in Vanndale, Arkansas, and it seems to him now, looking back, that it was when he was five or so and staying in that house that he first glimpsed what would become the theme of his most resonant scholarly books.
Likewise, C. Vann Woodward argued that Disney's America would "commercialize what should be revered, and vulgarize what is noble in American history." The historians did not object to Disney's theme parks, but to their displacement of real history.
Stand up and give a hand to Yale's C. Vann Woodward, Guido Calabresi, and Benno Schmidt, and to a cadre of federal judges who prefer to bring "offensive" speech into the light of open debate rather than to cover up reportedly evil thoughts in the darkness of taboo.
C. Vann Woodward, writing in The New York Review of Books, cited the Thernstrom case as an example of "the attack on freedom ...
Beginning as a dissertation under C. Vann Woodward but ultimately finished after Woodward's retirement under the supervision of Howard Lamar, The Roots of Southern Populism certainly has earned an influential place for itself on a long list of published studies focusing on the agrarian revolt.
Feldman engages in some revisionist history of sorts by seeking to replace earlier analyses of historian C. Vann Woodward (Origins of the New South, 1877-1913, 1951) and others.
Kolchin owes his notion of a sphinx-like South to the late David Potter, whose comparative work--often pursued at the international level--he groups with that of C. Vann Woodward and Eugene Genovese.
The Kennedy generation's return to political history had begun, led by Richard Hofstadter, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and C. Vann Woodward. Their confidence in the capacity of the state to improve the lot of its citizens, an attitude grounded in the New Deal, matched the confidence of their peers, many of them academicians, who staffed the federal government during the Kennedy and Johnson years.
When C. Vann Woodward entered graduate school at the University of North Carolina in the 1930s, southern history writing, he later recalled, consisted chiefly of references to injured sectional pride and pretensions to glories that never existed.
Listen to C. Vann Woodward in the July 18 issue of The New York Review of books giving a positive review to Dinesh D'Souza's Illiberal Education and calling on intellectuals of good conscience to rally against the enemies of freedom, by which he means the P.C.
More uneven than most collections, it reveals as much about trends in the profession as about C. Vann Woodward's masterpiece.