In this article, Webb challenges these arguments using a
Boethian or Augustinian conception of God's relationship to time.
(26) Boethius's influence can be heard again in various twelfth-century texts that have been defined as
Boethian in their form (dialogue, with alternation of prose and poetry) and in their subject (the journey through false goods to the true good).
Within this collection, the article by Stephanie Downes recognizes this
Boethian tradition of prison writing and frames it within the context of the prison poetry of Charles of Orleans.
Appropriately, some of his most thoroughly marked texts are those that draw on the
Boethian themes expressed in the Consolation of Philosophy, which Boethius composed while in prison.
These details are important for, while the
Boethian persona does not aim at narcissistic autobiography, nevertheless a human being's nature always remains rooted in his body.
More broadly, the assimilation of Avarice and Honor is an act that expands Fortuna's power, inviting contingency into a spiritual realm that the
Boethian and (more apposite) Dantean traditions had deemed safe from mutability's onslaughts.
The present volume contains high-quality essays that will be of considerable value to scholars working within the field of
Boethian studies.
Both notions hold importance in early modern times, though the
Boethian notion is more prominent.
The De casibus virorum illustrium, probably composed in 1356-1361 (but possibly revised later), presents an ambivalent Fortuna, sometimes a malignant power who enjoys tossing the wretched, sometimes a fair minister of the
Boethian and Dantean kind.
The Dreame of Chaucer:
Boethian Consolation or Political Celebration?.
The depth of Boethius's influence in European culture is made clear throughout the volume, with examples in all the essays and as a special focus in the chapters on De insitutione arithmetica, the legacy of
Boethian harmony, and the history of the Quadrivium.
Truly for Vitoria, what is at issue is nothing less than the integrity of human nature, a rational nature on account of which, as Thomas Aquinas had argued following the
Boethian tradition, each human enjoys personhood.
(1) The idea of pure or absolute being itself (as unlashed from the existentia vehicle) has been traced back to Porphyry (Hadot 1963, Kobusch 1995) and, in the influential
Boethian distinction between quod est (that which is, i.e.
Boethian interpretations of Confederacy were called into question in 1995, when Carmine Palumbo published an interview with Professor Robert Byrne, the undisputed real-life model for many of Ignatius Reilly's mannerisms (Louisiana Folklore Miscellany 10: 59-77).
[110] Alastair Minnis considers Chaucer in a tradition of medieval interpreters who adapt
Boethian sentiments to invigorate fictional characters.