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Synonyms for Athabaskan

nouna member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Athapaskan language and living in the subarctic regions of western Canada and central Alaska

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In 1988, following two years as a Platoon Commander at the CAF Basic Officer Training Center in Chilliwack, BC, Commodore Garnier returned to Halifax to serve in HMCS ATHABASKAN as an ASAC and the ship's Communications Officer.
language: A Reconsideration in Proceedings of the 2001 Athabaskan
Frederik Kortlandt's paper on tonogenesis shows that important issues in historical Baltic and Slavic accentology can be better understood if one looks at the development of tone oppositions in Athabaskan languages.
The Hupa, who settled along the Trinity River at the time of European contact, were, like the Navajo, migrants from the Athabaskan homeland in Alaska and Northwest Canada.
The Navajo language is part of the Athabaskan language; but, dialects differ between regions within the Navajo Reservation.
Tuttle examines of the notion of wordhood in Ahtna Athabaskan, where traditional approaches have in some cases blurred grammatical boundaries with phonological ones, and where in some cases it is the assumption that the structural equivalent of an English sentence is represented as a single word in Ahtna.
The interior and western coastal regions of northern Canada and Alaska are the homes of a wide variety of North American Indian, linguistically distinct groups, including the Athabaskan, Eyak, Tlingit, Gwich'in, and Metis.
May, Ph.D., of the Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addiction at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and his colleagues found that the program significantly reduced chronic suicidal behavior among teens living on a reservation of the Western Athabaskan Tribal Nation (Am.
Fair is an extensive examination of the venerable artistic traditions of twentieth century Alaska Natives, including Tlingit, Aleutian Islanders, Pacific Eskimo, Athabaskan, Yup'ik and Inupiaq artists.
(100.) The plan linked the Inupiat communities of Seward Peninsula with the upriver Yukon Athabaskan communities to form one district and linked the Yupik communities on the lower Yukon River with Athabaskan communities on the Kuskokwim River to form another.
MCKENNAN is his tribute to the peoples he lived with and the world of Athabaskan culture before the second world war, and are a 'must' for any scholarly, college-level collection strong in Alaskan history and culture.
McKennan (1903-1982) who spent the years between 1929 and 1933 in remote Native American villages and documented Interior Athabaskan life.
The chapters in this section recount the stories by Tlingit and Athabaskan peoples and their relationship with glaciers in the Pacific Northwest.
Tagish is a highly endangered Athabaskan language that is closely related to the neighboring languages Tahltan, Kaska, and Southern Tutchone.