Aries the Ram

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Related to Aries the Ram: Gemini the Twins
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Synonyms for Aries the Ram

the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox


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References in periodicals archive ?
3), in which Fiorenza (Florence), distributing Medici roses and Florentine lilies over a Tuscan landscape, is accompanied by spring's zodiacal signs: Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull and the Gemini Twins.
ALTHOUGH traditionally diamond and ruby are considered very lucky for those born under the sign of Aries the Ram, I find Garnet also works very well and is a less expensive gemstone.
But I'm a fighter - I'm not Aries the Ram for nothing."
ARIES THE RAM A Cardinal Fire Sign First Sign of the Zodiac Ruled by the planet Mars (Born March 21st -- April 20th) 2002 SUMMARY It's a grand year for talking - but you do have to put your plans into action.
He decided upon his pen name because he was born under the sign of Aries the Ram and male sheep were known locally as "Master Williams", Mr Bird said.