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Synonyms for Aries

(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aries

a small zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere

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the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox

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References in periodicals archive ?
Arien, Thea Kolsen Fischer, [1] Anders Fomsgaard [1]
For instance Arien, the Maia who "steers" the Sun after the darkening of Valinor, is approached by Morgoth, who desires her beauty and power.
The accident happened on December 11, when Arien Paez, like hundreds are forced to do daily, was jaywalking on her way back home from work.
Dans une allocution du general-major, Abdelkader Lounas, commandant des forces aeriennes, lue par le general Slimane Chaib, commandant des forces aeriennes de la premiere region militaire, il a ete souligne l'importance du developpement realise dans le domaine de l'aeronautique, et qui montre combien les commandements des forces aeriennes ont fait de grands efforts dans les operation d'organisation des unites, de la formation des militaires, de la gestion, de la maintenance et de la modernisation du materiel aeronautique pour offrir a notre nation un armement arien capable d'occomplir sa mission avec rigueur et professionnalisme.
According to details, Muhammad Latif caste Arien had arranged reception for two bridegrooms and people accompanying them at the eve of her two daughters' marriage at Qadirabad.
Social Research: An International Quarterly Altered States of Consciousness Arien Mack (Ed.) Social Research 68(3):795-807
tson0what Emma WatsonApril 15, 1990In romance, what matters most to Arien actress Emma is that joint experiences help each partner reach their greatest t to Arien a is ch st Taurus April 21 - May 21 ?
Arien de Jong, a spokeswoman for the Dutch Cyclists Unions, said: "We are very excited about the heated paths, as they could prevent so much misery."
Die Kantaten des Brandenburg-Jahrgangs bestehen jeweils aus zwei Rezitativen und drei Arien, von denen die jeweils letzte als Duettarie angelegt ist.
Leek notes also that "the hiring of theatre costumes by Joane Paijn (John Payne), Paulus Pirson, John Butler and Arien Van Bergh jointly, in The Hague (October 1639), provides the first suggestion that there were active combinations of English and Dutch players at this stage.
Arien Klomp, Juniper Networks director WLAN, " EMW ME had introduced Juniper WLAN (formerly known as Trapeze) to the Middle East back in 2005 at the University of Sharjah which adopts Juniper as the WLAN standard till today.
But, like Chabris and Simons, New School psychologist Arien Mack found in her work that objects plainly in the field of vision that were not the focus of her subjects attention went completely unnoticed.