Three years of conservation work to restore the butterflies' breeding requirements is paying off and the June sunshine allowed the fritillaries - Latin name Argynnis adippe - to emerge from pupal stage to flutter in greater numbers than ever around the bracken-covered slopes of the Alun Valley.
Species contributing most flower visits were Apis mellifera (Apidae, 34.9%), Bombus terrestris (Apidae, 12.8%), [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 1 OMITTED] Anthidiellum breviusculum (Megachilidae, 9.9%), Ceratina cyanea + mocsaryi (Anthophoridae, 8.9%; these two species are difficult to distinguish in the field and will be treated as a single species in this paper), Thymelicus acteon (Hesperiidae, 6.0%) and Argynnis paphia (Nymphalidae, 3.4%) (all plants combined, N = 436 pollinator visits).