Notes on the natural history, distribution and conservation status of the Andean night monkey,
Aotus miconax Thomas, 1927.
Geoffroy in Humboldt, 1812) (= Callithrix melanura) Aotidae
Aotus azarae (Humboldt, 1811) Atelidae Alouatta caraya (Humboldt, 1812) Pitheciidae Callicebus donacophilus (d'Orbigny, 1836) PILOSA Myrmecophagidae Myrmecophaga tridactyla Nt Vu Linnaeus, 1758 Tamandua tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) LAGOMORPHA Leporidae Sylvilagus brasiliensis (Linnaeus, 1758) PERISSODACTYLA Tapiridae Tapirus terrestris Vu Linnaeus, 1758
Earlier efforts in establishing VL in New and Old World monkeys demonstrated that
Aotus trivirgatus (owl monkeys) (92) and Saimiri sciureus (squirrel monkey)93 developed an acute and fulminating, but short-lived, infection.
mMol/L 10,2 [+ o -] 2,7 -- Colesterol mg/dl 204 [+ o -] 67 147 [+ o -] 46 Trigliceridos mg/dl 80 [+ o -] 45 42 [+ o -] 12 Tot proteinas gm/dl 6,6 [+ o -] 0,6 7,0 [+ o -] 0,5 Albumina gm/dl 3,8 [+ o -] 0,5 4,3 [+ o -] 0,05 Globulina gm/dl 2,8 [+ o -] 0,8 2,7 [+ o -] 0,6 AST (SGOT) IU/L 139 [+ o -] 70 59 [+ o -] 21
Aotus trivirgatus Glucosa mg/dl 155 [+ o -] 82 BUN mg/dl 18 [+ o -] 10 Creatinina mg/dl 0,9 [+ o -] 0,3 Acido urico mg/dl 0,5 [+ o -] 0,4 Calcio mg/dl 9,4 [+ o -] 1,0 Fosforo mg/dl 5,6 [+ o -] 1,8 Sodio mEq/L 149 [+ o -] 5 Potasio mEq/L 3.8 [+ o -] 0,8 Cloro mEq/L 107 [+ o -] 6 Hierro mcg/dl 98 [+ o -] 52 Magnesio mg/dl 3,3 [+ o -] 0,0 Bicar.
Immune response to a hepatitis B DNA vaccine in
Aotus monkeys: a comparison of vaccine formulation, route, and method of administration.
Amostras de fezes de nove especies de primatas (Alouatta seniculus,
Aotus vociferans, Ateles bezlebuth chamek, Callicebus brunneus, Cebus albifrons, Cebus apella, Callithrix sp., Saguinus fuscicollis e Saimiri sciureus) oriundos de uma reserva nacional do Peru e do Brasil foram analisadas e foram detectados nestes macacos parasitismo pelos protozoarios Blastocystis hominis, Chilomastix mesnili, Endolimax nana, Giardia intestinais, Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica e Iodamoeba buetschii, alem de helmintos Ascaris sp., Strongyloides sp., Trichuris trichiura, Schistosoma mansoni e Prosthenochoris elegans (CARMO & SALGADO, 2003; KIMBERLEY et al., 2004).
Affinity-purified native MSP-1 was tested on
Aotus monkeys and complete protection against asexual stage challenge was observed (50).
New World monkey
Aotus nancymae as a model for Campylobacterjejuni infection and immunity.
Representation of visual field in caudal third of middle temporal gyrus of owl monkey (
Aotus trivirgatus).