Deep complex morphophysiological dormancy in seeds of
Anthriscus sylvestris (Apiaceae).
Anthriscus sylvestris ydi'r enw gwyddonol a 'cow parsley' yn Saesneg[sup.1] ond mae o hefyd yn cael yr enw 'mother-die'.
Caracteristicas: Aextoxicon punctatum 3 en 1; Gilliesia graminea + en 2; Libertia sessiliflora, Quillaja saponaria, Tropaeolum tricolor y Escallonia illinita + en 3; Ercilla spicata 1, Sophora macrocarpa y Muehlenbeckia hastulata + en 5; Schinus latifolius 1, Adenopeltis serrata, Lobelia excelsa y Aristeguietia salvia + en 6; companeras: Carex setifolia + en 1;
Anthriscus caucalis, Stellaria arvalis/chilensis, Fumaria agraria, Medicago arabica y Vicia cf.
61 Anthemis tinctoria 1
Anthriscus sylvestris 1 A triplex prostrata 2 2 Brassica campestris 5 9 Capsella bursa pastoris 1 Centaurea cyanus 2 3 Cerastium arvense 3 Cerastium holosteoides 15 Chelidonium majus 38 Chenopodium album 69 479 544 Chenopodium glaucum 7 Erodium cicutarium 1 Fallopia convolvulus 8 31 Fumaria officinalis 2 Galeopsis ladanum 1 Galeopsis tetrahit/speciosa 9 25 Galium aparine 39 Galium spurium 1 Geranium pusillum 4 Lamium album 1 Lamium purpureum 1 Lapsana communis 2 Polygonum aviculare 29 Polygonum lapathifolium 12 237 Polygonum sp.
The role of the helper virus,
anthriscus yellows, in the transmission of parsnip yellow fleck virus by the aphid Cavariella aegopodii.
Anthriscus sylvestris [31] Carum carvi [31] Conopodium majus (Gouan) Loret [242] Heracleum sibiricum [31] Laserpitium latifolium [31] Pastinaca sativa [31] Pseudocymopterus montanus [217] Pittosporaceae Pittosporum tobira Ait.
The purple-leaved variety,
Anthriscus Raven's Wing is pretty and unusual.
Apiaceae used as hosts by Oreina species belong to three different tribes, that is, Apieae (Meum), Peucedaneae (Angelica, Heracleum, and Peucedanum), and Scandiceae (Chaerophyllum, and
Anthriscus sylvestris, Heracleum sphondylium, and Vicia cracca all established evenly across the experimental matrix and did not show pronounced responses to the fertility and disturbance gradients.
ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS) COW parsley is a native wild plant that fills the roadside verges from April to June and provides wonderful nectar for bees, hoverflies and moths.
ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS) COW parsley is a native have in mine COW parsley is a native wild plant that fills the roadside verges from April to June and provides wonderful nectar for bees, hoverflies and moths.
ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS) have in mine this year.
ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS) Cow parsley is a native wild plant that fills the roadside verges from April to June and provides wonderful nectar for bees, hoverflies and moths.