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nounEgyptian sun god

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References in periodicals archive ?
Rise Like Ra: The Papyrus of Hu-nefer and the Hymn to Amen-Ra, A Modern Rendition for a
The British Museum has always denied the mummy was on the Titanic - indeed, it says it never possessed Amen-Ra's mummified body, only the lid of her coffin.
The main central controlling thesis of the book is that the African centered paradigm (among other things) involves exploring the African roots of library and information science, the building of an African centered theological seminary (Amen-Ra Theological Seminary), applied Afrocentricity via The Temple of Maat, a guide recourse to books on the African centered paradigm, an example of ancient Egyptian literature based on the Papyrus of Hu-nefer and the Hymn to Amen-Ra, and of course personal insight.
In this chapter, the curriculum, paradigm, and activities of Amen-Ra Theological Seminary are outlined to illustrate how the theoretical roots and ideas Afrocentricity can be incorporated into a working paradigm.
Amen-Ra Theological Seminary as an idea was first developed in 1996 at the conclusion of a public Internet workshop held at the UCLA Center for African American Studies.
This chapter provides an example of how the African centered paradigm was (originally) instituted through the degree programs of Amen-Ra Theological Seminary.
However, unlike other programs, the Amen-Ra Theological Seminary program is focused upon African world community theological and religious studies.
In a series of requests and communications from maximum-security individuals seeking information about Amen-Ra Theological Seminary, and the possibility of the seminary assisting in establishing an African centered religious order that can be authorized by prison officials, we decided to work with Andre Gay (Tehuti Shabaka) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to establish a religious community in the Pennsylvania maximum-security system, utilizing a bibliographic approach to fortify our proposal.
Text to support the Temple of Maat paradigm will consist of, but not limited to: African Origins of the Major Western Religions by Yesef ben-Jochannan, Conversations with Ogotemmeli by Marcel Griaule; Selections from the Husia, Maat: The Moral Ideal in Ancient Egypt, and the Odu Ifa: The Ethical Teachings by Maulana Karenga, Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World by Gerald Massey, Metu Neter by Ra Un Nefer Amen, The Spirit of a Man by Iyanla Vanzant, Book of Coming Forth By Day by Maulana Karenga, the Papyrus of Hu-nefer and Hymn to Amen-Ra, Two Thousand Seasons by Ayi K.
This presentation serves as a poetic introduction to ancient Kemetic ecclesiastical literature through a rendition of the original Papyrus of Hu-nefer and the Hymn to Amen-Ra, written during the reign of Seti (1370) in the twentieth and twenty-first dynasties, before the Christian era.
In the next section I reported on how and why the Amen-Ra Theological Seminary was constructed as the first on-line African centered seminary to investigate the international dynamics of African religion, philosophy and spirituality which includes insights into how the African centered paradigm was instituted via the degree programs of Amen-Ra Theological Seminary, and how its course of study focus on African social ethics, truths, epistemology and theocentric paradigms to represent a synthesis of core ideals to form the first and only attempt by people of African descent to define and design a graduate theological curriculum addressing essential epistemologies in African world community religious, spiritual and philosophical studies.
He is a co-director and founder, with his wife Sharon Ames-Dennard, of the Aakhet Center for Human Development, Amen-Ra's bookshop and Gallery and the Sakkara Youth Institute.
Senior Editor, The Journal of Pan African Studies (; Provost, Amen-Ra Theological Seminary; First Vice President, The African Diaspora Foundation; Founding Member, The Bennu Institute of Arizona (P.O.
And notwithstanding, he served as editor of The Bookmark from 1976-86 (in the fall of 1986 he relinquished the editorship to serve co-editor for five years), was contributing editor of AfroAmericans in New York Life and History, emeritus distinguished professor of Library Science at Amen-Ra Theological Seminary (Los Angeles, California), and served on the editorial advisory committee of Multicultural Review magazine.
Los Angeles: Amen-Ra Theological Seminary Press, 1999.