The spread and oviposition of Ophraella communa LeSage (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae) adults on
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
Confirmation and resistance mechanisms in glyphosate-resistant common ragweed (
Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in Arkansas.
Physiological and morphological responses of invasive
Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) to different irradiances.
During Years 1-3 of the chronosequence the dominant plant species included the annuals Setaria faberi,
Ambrosia artemisiifolia and biennials Daucus carota and Dipsacus fullonum.
Concretamente, los pliegos VIT 57060, VIT 57100 y VIT 57104, con material recolectado en Portugalete (Vizcaya); el pliego VIT 57099, procedente de Zorroza (Vizcaya), y el pliego SANT 17691, de Santona (Cantabria), pertenecen en realidad a la especie
Ambrosia artemisiifolia.
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
Hay-fever weed,
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, is an annual, reproduces by seeds, develops 3 or more feet tall and is common throughout North America.
Native showy and attractive dicot volunteers included: Chamaecrista fasciculata, Eupatorium capillifolium, Helenium amarum, and Solidago sp.; Native volunteers appropriate as groundcover: Diodia virginiana, Euphorbia maculata; Native volunteers not suitable for landscaping:
Ambrosia artemisiifolia (ragweed).
The following six other species were in the top ten on all three transects based on commonness values: sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), tall goldenrod (Solidago altissima), old field goldenrod (Solidago nemoralis), small ragweed (
Ambrosia artemisiifolia), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) and Scriber's panicum (Panicum oligosanthes).
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, is a noxious plant that infests thousands of acres of arable land worldwide and causes allergic reactions--often seasonal--in many people," says Farr.
This created a first-year old field dominated by a single species, common ragweed (
Ambrosia artemisiifolia), which accounted for 44% of the biomass in all plots, whereas the seven other annual species found in our plots made up only an additional 4% of the total aboveground biomass.
For example, following long-term nutrient enrichment at this site, sludge-treated plots were dominated by annual plant species such as
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., A.
The latter, found in Florida and southernmost Georgia (Futuyma 1991), is only known to feed on
Ambrosia artemisiifolia (also Ambrosiinae), on which we have never found O.
An international team of scientists will kickstart the EU-funded study - the first of its kind and costing some 3.5million euros - by focusing on the spread of
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, more widely known as common ragweed, reports the Independent.
These floristic quality changes are due largely to alterations in species composition rather than species richness, as species dominance shifted from weedy plants, including
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.