Roger Valdez


Roger Valdez thinks, writes, works on housing, and advocates for progressive supply side solutions to inflation. He is Director of the Center for Housing Economics and a Research Fellow at the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity (FREOPP). Valdez has been a housing

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799 viewsOct 7, 2024

The Election Will Change Things But What About Housing?

Like it or not, how the country handles Trump is an indicator for how much longer the American "experiment" will continue. But what about housing?

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6,059 viewsOct 4, 2024

Tiny Houses Are Still Too Expensive

The answer is a radical revision of expectations of what a dwelling unit can be and making building and permitting them safely easy and cheap.

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340 viewsOct 3, 2024

Rent Fixing: FTC Needs A Lesson About Economics IRL

Even I know that algorithms don’t set prices, markets do.

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363 viewsOct 2, 2024

Preempting Bad Local Housing Policies: Indiana Shows How

Indiana has overcome the conceptual barriers many legislatures have about preemption; it's legal and essential to prevent bad housing policy.

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198 viewsOct 1, 2024

Time To Explore A Payroll Tax Credit For Housing Cost Burden

A payroll tax credit for housing not only helps people fast, but it is quite a bargain.