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Venezuelan Oil Dynamics: Why The Protests Matter

Updated May 12, 2014, 02:26pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

By Simone Garreau

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Venezuela’s protests, which have gripped the country for most of this year, threaten to upend the country’s status quo—with global implications. Demonstrations that began in a university town over a sexual assault case ballooned into a larger outcry against the country’s rampant crime and crippled economy. Clashes between protestors and the government have drawn global interest, but behind the headlines, foreign investors are carefully watching to see what will happen in a country with tremendous potential and a history of missed opportunity.

It is important to distinguish the current protests from the longstanding grievances of the country’s political right, which has consistently railed against the government of Nicolás Maduro and his predecessor Hugo Chávez. The current unrest is much broader, tapping a wide swath of politic frustrations. Spiraling inflation in a country that imports most consumer goods has meant empty shelves in markets and a shortage of necessities like toilet paper and grains.  Unchecked violent crime has further degraded confidence in the government.

It is a bit counterintuitive that a country with some of the biggest oil reserves in the world is unable to provide basic economic stability and goods to its people. But there is a lot about the Venezuelan economy that is counterintuitive. It starts with the Venezuelan currency, the bolivar, which rather than floating on international currency markets is pegged to the US dollar at the rate of about 6.29 to 1. The artificially low rate has led to a thriving black market where people are willing to pay about 85 bolivars to the dollar. This creates a condition with functionally several exchange rates—the government-controlled ones and the black market one. Moreover, the country is unwilling to release enough dollars to meet demand at any of these rates. These complicated dichotomies have spawned the food and supply shortages and have helped make the investment climate extremely challenging.

Venezuela’s oil exports are unable to float the economy because although oil makes up 95% of the country’s exports, it doesn’t get paid in cash for the majority of what it ships offshore. If anything, the country’s oil income shows signs of diminishing. Decaying oil infrastructure, hostility toward foreign investment and corruption have dampened production. The result, according to Bloomberg, was a 28-year low in energy sales in 2013. If left unabated, an overthrow of the government could further hamper these issues.

Declining energy output from Venezuela would have global implications. Venezuela sends hundreds of thousands of barrels a day to China to repay loans totaling more than $40 billion since 2008. Because Petroleos de Venezuela SA, the state-run oil company, doesn’t make money on its exports to China, it struggles to expand its operations and increase output. As production flags, China receives an increasing percentage of Venezuela’s output. To offset this, Venezuela has reduced sales to the US, the country’s main source of cash revenue from oil.

In an interesting geopolitical turn, Venezuela relies far more on the US for its oil refinement capacity than the US depends on Venezuela’s oil. About 40% of Venezuela’s oil is exported to the US, where specialized refineries process the low-quality crudes. Though a sudden drop in Venezuela’s output could create a shock, the US could recover over time—with Mexico’s oil reforms on the horizon and a possible decision on the Keystone Pipeline around the corner, there will be plenty of demand for US refineries. In fact, outside competition for US refinement capacity could undermine the long-term prospects for Venezuela’s oil market.

Cuba is the third major recipient of Venezuelan oil. Unlike the United States and China, which have diversified their energy supplies, Cuba receives about two thirds of its oil from Venezuela, and a subsidy of about $3.5 billion a year.  A major fall in Venezuelan support could therefore lead to a potential crisis and recession in Cuba causing the economy to contract anywhere from 4% to 7.7%. Cuba’s dependence on a lackluster Venezuelan oil market could lead to severe shortage of essential goods, as well as recurrent, lengthy blackouts, comparable to the ones suffered during the economic crisis of the 1990s triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union and East European socialist bloc.

With trade partnerships that rely on loans, knowledge sharing and off shore refiners, Venezuela has found itself sitting on a huge oil reserve that it is unable to monetize in a way that properly supports its own society. If there is cause for hope, it lies in the fact that the country’s oil reserves, if properly exploited, could make the country the world’s third-largest oil producer. For private investors, it’s been easy to see the upsides. However, such an achievement will require overcoming a slew of obstacles. With broader economic and social problems and peacocking from each side of the Venezuelan political fence set to continue, the country’s social discord seems likely to persist. Recent developments combined with years of poor policy and declining exports have overshadowed hope that Venezuela will realize its potential. With the government desperately trying to hold the country together, the odds seem long—even for the rosiest of optimists.

Simone Garreau is a communications manager at Control Risks, the global risk consultancy. For more analysis, sign up for a free trial of our Country Risk Forecast.