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Is Brazil A Derivative Of China?

Updated Sep 13, 2011, 12:24pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

In 2009, China overtook the US as Brazil’s largest trading partner. The United States had been Brazil’s main trading partner for about 80 years but a surge in Chinese demand for Brazilian agricultural and mineral commodities, such as soybeans and iron ore , dislodged the Americans.

Brazil is so dependent on China that some traders even describe Brazil as a "derivative" of China. Derivatives are contracts whose prices depend on the value of another asset. This expression shows to what extent the performance of Brazilian market is linked to China.

If the crisis in the United States and Europe hits China, Brazil will agonize. After the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, Brazil has become more and more dependent on the Chinese giant. Brazil was one of the countries that suffered the less during the 2008 global crisis mainly because Chinese appetite supported high prices of agricultural and mineral commodities during global recession. In 2008, China absorbed 6.7% of Brazilian exports. In the first half of this year, the Asian giant represents 17%, as the demand from rich countries fell. In 2008, Vale, Brazil’s mining giant, sales of iron ore to China represented 28% of total; in the second quarter of this year, sales for Chinese represented 41.9% of the total.

Although Brazil holds record reserves of $350 billion and has a robust domestic market that limits exposure to external negative scenario, China is still the most crucial point that will determine how much Brazil will suffer with a global downturn. According to Funcex (Brazilian Center of the Study of Foreign Trade), without the "China effect" that caused rising commodity prices, Brazil’s current $3.1 billion trade surplus, which more than doubled in one year, would turn into deficit.

In the last three years, China has consolidated its position as Brazil’s largest trading partner and announced huge investments in the country. In 2010, I worked for Noble Group, a trading based in Hong Kong, as agricultural commodities trader and visited many soybeans plantations in Mato Grosso. At that time, Chinese direct investments were not so relevant. However, today it is said that many Chinese firms have secured land in Brazil.

Brazil has immensely benefited from its exports to China, but if the Asian giant succumbs to the crisis, Brazil will deeply suffer contagion. The main effects in Brazil of a Chinese slowdown would be: drop in commodities prices, less exports, surge in current account deficit, inflation and falling real.

Brazil  should learn from Confucius, China’s most important Chinese philosopher, who once said that “too little is as bad as too much.” Therefore, instead of  relying so much on Chinese appetite for growth, Brazil should be investing in infrastructure development, tax reforms, increase in investment rate, which is below 20%, and fighting inflation, which leads to higher interest rates and causes real appreciation.