Capture the essence of a heartfelt birthday with this stunning bouquet. An ensemble of vibrant roses, delicate pink roses, and soft pink carnations, creates a living tapestry of love and celebration. Bearing the heartfelt message Happy Birthday, this bouquet is brought to life with a personalised photo, ensuring that every petal whispers warmth and admiration for the receiver. Its a tribute to a life adorned with love, laughter and cherished memories.
Product Details:
- Premium, unscented orange rose: 5Pcs
- Premium, unscented aqua pink rose: 5Pcs
- Premium, unscented pink carnation: 5Pcs
- Embellished with green murraya filler
- Tied elegantly with an FNP pink satin ribbon
- Can be personalised with a couples photo.
Flower Trivia:
- Carnations were cultivated as garden flowers in the ancient Rome and Greece.
- Roses can live for a very long time. There are rose fossils discovered that date back 35 million years. The large rose bush that covers the wall of the Cathedral of Hildesheim in Germany has been there for over a millennium.