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FLoC 2022 Policies

FLoC code of conduct (based on ACM's code of conduct)


The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the values and goals of FLoC.  They require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group. They flourish in communities that foster mutual understanding and embrace diversity. For these reasons, FLoC is committed to providing a harassment-free conference experience.

Reporting and remedy

Participants violating the standard above may be sanctioned or expelled from the meeting at the discretion of the conference organizers.

If you believe that you or any FLoC Attendee has been subjected to any conduct of the type prohibited by this Policy by another Member or FLoC Attendee, you are urged to report the relevant facts promptly.

Prompt reporting is very important so that FLoC can take action to stop the conduct before it is repeated. All reports will be followed up promptly, with further investigation conducted where needed to confirm facts or resolve disputed facts.  In conducting its investigations, FLoC will strive to keep the identity of individuals making reports as confidential as possible.  

If the conduct at issue occurs at a FLoC conference or workshop, you should ordinarily direct such reports to

Moshe Vardi [email protected]

or Alexandra Silva [email protected],

depending on which individual you feel more comfortable contacting under the circumstances.

For ACM Conferences (LICS): The reporting method for ACM conferences and ACM incooperation conferences is part of the ACM policy here (see also this FAQ). Participants can report incidents to the conference organizers whose action will ordinarily be to pass the information to the relevant ACM officers. Currently these are ACM’s President ([email protected]) or the Chief Executive Officer ([email protected]), currently ACM’s Chief Operating Officer ([email protected]). Participants can also report to these ACM officers directly. Any remediation will ordinarily be at the discretion of and under the guidance of the relevant ACM officers, in accordance with the ACM policy.

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