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432Hz Miracle Tone - Raise Your Positive Vibrations: The Healing Frequency - Positive Energy Boost - Complementary Therapies
Healing Frequencies - Sound Wave Therapy - Sound Waves for Restorative Sleep and Reduced Stress: A Theta Healing Binaural Beats Soundscape for Sound Healing
Audiobook series2 titles

Healing Frequencies Series

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About this series

When Abhamani Ajash (Institute for Complementary Therapies) began offering frequency based sound therapy he soon discovered he could use tuning forks to locate disturbances in the human energy field, that surrounded many of his clients. He found these energetic disturbances correlated with the emotional and physical traumas his clients had experienced throughout their lives, the human biofield acting as a record of pain, stress, and trauma from gestation onward.

Passing the forks through these areas not only corrected the distorted vibrational sounds he was hearing but also imparted consistent, predictable, and sometimes immediate relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, and a host of other complaints. Now, more than 20 years later, Ajash has fully developed his sound healing method, which he calls Sound Balancing, and created 14 unique tracks, bringing back the sense of well-being to your mind, body and spirit. Sounds that ring at just right frequency, to fill you with calm, peace, and intuition.

Playing and listening to music that has been tuned to 432 Hz creates a sense of peace and well being as it is the harmonic intonation of nature. Lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz helps to calm the body and mind which in turn makes us more flexible, creative, peaceful and spontaneous; It also helps in the release of negative energy and can easily put us in a wonderful state of calm where relaxation is natural. It is the scale that unites the body and consciousness with nature.

According to Abhamani Ajash, music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and calmer, giving greater clarity and is easier on the ears. Healing music tuned to 432 Hz is relaxing for the body and mind and also more harmonically pleasant than 440 Hz. Many researches have also shown that people feel calmer, happier and more relaxed when playing and listening at 432 Hz. Music that is tuned to 432 Hz is more friendly for the ears and unites us to the universal harmony and generates positive effects on mind and body.


What our customers say (reviews):

***** This audio book is absolutely phenomenal and is now my favorite for relaxing and falling asleep! The music and natural sounds are so soothing. I'm so glad I found it! (Kimberley D.)

***** I love this book it is my most used book in my library! Thank you! (Doloris1978)

***** it's a practical approach to begin the spiritual journey... self reflection... very healing. it should be part of our daily life, just like we go to work... or mundane activities. (J&C)

***** It has a blend of many sounds with the music. I listen to this almost every day. (NY_spirit)

***** My daughter drifts off to dreamland with this music. She won't use any other music, just this one. She loves it and so do I. It's awesome for meditation as well as winding down for the evening. (wollnstuff)

***** We play this audiobook on repeat all day at our wellness center. It is relaxing and easy to listen to without intense changes. (AleksC)

***** Beautiful, tranquil music perfect for studying or falling asleep. Great for falling asleep, especially on long airplane flights. Get yourself some active noise cancellation headphones and this piece. Et voilà... (GuillermoGarcia)
Release dateApr 15, 2023
432Hz Miracle Tone - Raise Your Positive Vibrations: The Healing Frequency - Positive Energy Boost - Complementary Therapies
Healing Frequencies - Sound Wave Therapy - Sound Waves for Restorative Sleep and Reduced Stress: A Theta Healing Binaural Beats Soundscape for Sound Healing

Titles in the series (2)

  • Healing Frequencies - Sound Wave Therapy - Sound Waves for Restorative Sleep and Reduced Stress: A Theta Healing Binaural Beats Soundscape for Sound Healing


    Healing Frequencies - Sound Wave Therapy - Sound Waves for Restorative Sleep and Reduced Stress: A Theta Healing Binaural Beats Soundscape for Sound Healing
    Healing Frequencies - Sound Wave Therapy - Sound Waves for Restorative Sleep and Reduced Stress: A Theta Healing Binaural Beats Soundscape for Sound Healing

    SOUND WAVE THERAPY is a sequence of different musical selections created to enhance opening and resonating the human chakras. The magical sounds will fill you with bliss and tranquility. The purpose of these sounds is to create a hypnotic and relaxing atmosphere to immerse you in an inner state of awareness and peace, to stimulate and activate your imagination, creativity and self-healing powers, or simply to give you moments of pure relaxation. This therapeutic recording with a total running time of 8+ hours will also enhance inner sonic journeying, hypnosis, lucid dreaming, and deep rejuvenating sleep. SOUND WAVE THERAPY is great for yoga, reiki, qigong, body work, and massage. Put yourself in a state of absolute, deep peace. Use the pulsating sounds to calm your soul. The beautiful and powerful psycho-acoustic ambient sounds resonate with your body, bringing it back to its natural state.

  • 432Hz Miracle Tone - Raise Your Positive Vibrations: The Healing Frequency - Positive Energy Boost - Complementary Therapies


    432Hz Miracle Tone - Raise Your Positive Vibrations: The Healing Frequency - Positive Energy Boost - Complementary Therapies
    432Hz Miracle Tone - Raise Your Positive Vibrations: The Healing Frequency - Positive Energy Boost - Complementary Therapies

    When Abhamani Ajash (Institute for Complementary Therapies) began offering frequency based sound therapy he soon discovered he could use tuning forks to locate disturbances in the human energy field, that surrounded many of his clients. He found these energetic disturbances correlated with the emotional and physical traumas his clients had experienced throughout their lives, the human biofield acting as a record of pain, stress, and trauma from gestation onward. Passing the forks through these areas not only corrected the distorted vibrational sounds he was hearing but also imparted consistent, predictable, and sometimes immediate relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, and a host of other complaints. Now, more than 20 years later, Ajash has fully developed his sound healing method, which he calls Sound Balancing, and created 14 unique tracks, bringing back the sense of well-being to your mind, body and spirit. Sounds that ring at just right frequency, to fill you with calm, peace, and intuition. Playing and listening to music that has been tuned to 432 Hz creates a sense of peace and well being as it is the harmonic intonation of nature. Lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz helps to calm the body and mind which in turn makes us more flexible, creative, peaceful and spontaneous; It also helps in the release of negative energy and can easily put us in a wonderful state of calm where relaxation is natural. It is the scale that unites the body and consciousness with nature. According to Abhamani Ajash, music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and calmer, giving greater clarity and is easier on the ears. Healing music tuned to 432 Hz is relaxing for the body and mind and also more harmonically pleasant than 440 Hz. Many researches have also shown that people feel calmer, happier and more relaxed when playing and listening at 432 Hz. Music that is tuned to 432 Hz is more friendly for the ears and unites us to the universal harmony and generates positive effects on mind and body. -- What our customers say (reviews): ***** This audio book is absolutely phenomenal and is now my favorite for relaxing and falling asleep! The music and natural sounds are so soothing. I'm so glad I found it! (Kimberley D.) ***** I love this book it is my most used book in my library! Thank you! (Doloris1978) ***** it's a practical approach to begin the spiritual journey... self reflection... very healing. it should be part of our daily life, just like we go to work... or mundane activities. (J&C) ***** It has a blend of many sounds with the music. I listen to this almost every day. (NY_spirit) ***** My daughter drifts off to dreamland with this music. She won't use any other music, just this one. She loves it and so do I. It's awesome for meditation as well as winding down for the evening. (wollnstuff) ***** We play this audiobook on repeat all day at our wellness center. It is relaxing and easy to listen to without intense changes. (AleksC) ***** Beautiful, tranquil music perfect for studying or falling asleep. Great for falling asleep, especially on long airplane flights. Get yourself some active noise cancellation headphones and this piece. Et voilà... (GuillermoGarcia)

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