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Dynamics of a Social Language Learning Community: Beliefs, Membership and Identity
East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education
Language Teacher Psychology
Ebook series28 titles

Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching Series

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About this series

This book is the first volume devoted to mindset theory and practice in language education, offering interdisciplinary investigations into the motivation, competencies, emotions and wellbeing of language learners and teachers. Presenting studies from a vast array of language learning environments, the chapters explore topics such as students' attitudes and motivation surrounding language learning, the effects of mindset on vocabulary acquisition, the mindsets of early career teachers and experienced language teachers, interventions on students' mindsets and interventions that strengthen language teachers' growth mindsets. The findings presented in this book will be of great interest to instructors and researchers alike and present essential developments for the field of applied linguistics and psychology of language learning and teaching. The book will be invaluable in improving the quality of the language learning experience for teachers and students in various academic environments.

Release dateDec 15, 2017
Dynamics of a Social Language Learning Community: Beliefs, Membership and Identity
East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education
Language Teacher Psychology

Titles in the series (28)

  • Language Teacher Psychology


    Language Teacher Psychology
    Language Teacher Psychology

    To date, the majority of work in language learning psychology has focused on the learner. In contrast, relatively little attention has been paid to teacher psychology. This volume seeks to redress the imbalance by bringing together various strands of research into the psychology of language teachers. It consists of 19 contributions on well-established areas of teacher psychology, as well as areas that have only recently begun to be explored. This original collection, which covers a multitude of theoretical and methodological perspectives, makes a significant contribution to the emerging field of language teacher psychology as a domain of inquiry within language education.

  • Dynamics of a Social Language Learning Community: Beliefs, Membership and Identity


    Dynamics of a Social Language Learning Community: Beliefs, Membership and Identity
    Dynamics of a Social Language Learning Community: Beliefs, Membership and Identity

    This book provides an in-depth exploration of psychological phenomena affecting language learning within a social learning space. Drawing on the literature from identity in second language learning, communities of practice and learner beliefs, in conjunction with other individual difference factors, it uncovers perceptions and assumptions that language learners have of the space and how they affect their relationship with it and the people within it. Readers will gain a greater understanding of how psychological phenomena shape a space and how a learning space can contribute to a wider learning ecology. This book will appeal to researchers interested in language learning beyond the classroom and psychological aspects of language acquisition, as well as to practitioners and professionals who are supporting learners outside the classroom.

  • East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education


    East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education
    East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education

    Silence is a key pedagogical issue in language education. Seen by some as a space for thinking and reflection during the learning process, for others silence represents a threat, inhibiting target language interaction which is so vital during second language acquisition. This book eschews stereotypes and generalisations about why so many learners from East Asia seem either reluctant or unable to speak in English by providing a state-of-the art account of current research into the complex and ambiguous issue of silence in language education. The innovative research included in this volume focuses on silence both as a barrier to successful learning and as a resource that may in some cases facilitate language acquisition. The book offers a fresh perspective on ways to facilitate classroom interaction while also embracing silence and it touches on key pedagogical concepts such as teacher cognition, the role of task features, classroom interactional approaches, pedagogical intervention and socialisation, willingness to communicate, as well as psychological and sociocultural factors. Each of the book’s chapters include self-reflection and discussion tasks, as well as annotated bibliographies for further reading.

  • Contemporary Language Motivation Theory: 60 Years Since Gardner and Lambert (1959)


    Contemporary Language Motivation Theory: 60 Years Since Gardner and Lambert (1959)
    Contemporary Language Motivation Theory: 60 Years Since Gardner and Lambert (1959)

    This book brings together contributions from the leaders of the language learning motivation field. The varied chapters demonstrate how Gardner’s work remains integral to a diverse range of contemporary theoretical issues underlying the psychology of language, even today, 60 years after the publication of Gardner and Lambert’s seminal 1959 paper. The chapters cover a wide selection of topics related to applied linguistics, second language acquisition, social psychology, sociology, methodology and historical issues. The book advances thinking on cutting-edge topics in these diverse areas, providing a wealth of information for both students and established scholars that show the continuing and future importance of Gardner and Lambert’s ideas.

  • Exploring Language Teacher Efficacy in Japan


    Exploring Language Teacher Efficacy in Japan
    Exploring Language Teacher Efficacy in Japan

    This book examines language teacher efficacy beliefs, focusing on the individual and collective beliefs of Japanese high school teachers. It discusses personal and collective dimensions of language teacher efficacy related to personal second language (L2) capability, instructional L2 efficacy and collective capability towards collaboration. The book provides a detailed discussion about the ways in which these beliefs develop and situates the findings within the wider field of teacher efficacy research. It helps further understanding of factors that may influence teacher self-efficacy and suggests new directions for research to explore in future studies. It will appeal to postgraduates and researchers with an interest in language teacher cognition, the psychology of language teaching and those in the wider fields of self-efficacy, teacher efficacy and teacher agency. It is also of use to those with an interest in the high school English education system in Japan, as well as researchers investigating similar contexts.

  • Visualising Multilingual Lives: More Than Words


    Visualising Multilingual Lives: More Than Words
    Visualising Multilingual Lives: More Than Words

    Shortlisted for the 2020 BAAL Book Prize This book brings together empirical studies from around the world to help readers gain a better understanding of multilinguals, ranging from small children to elderly people, and their lives. The chapters focus on the multilingual subjects’ identities and the ways in which they are discursively and/or visually constructed, and are split into sections looking specifically at the multilingual self, the multilingual learner and multilingual teacher education. The studies draw on rich visual data, which is analysed for content and/or form and often complemented with other types of data, to investigate how multilinguals make sense of their use and knowledge of more than one language in their specific context. The topic of multilingualism is addressed as subjectively experienced and the book unites the current multilingual, narrative and visual turns in Applied Language Studies. It will be of interest to students and researchers working in the areas of language learning and teaching, teacher education and bi/multilingualism, as well as to those interested in using visual methods and narratives as a means of academic research.

  • Student Engagement in the Language Classroom


    Student Engagement in the Language Classroom
    Student Engagement in the Language Classroom

    This book defines engagement for the field of language learning and contextualizes it within existing work on the psychology of language learning and teaching. Chapters address broad substantive questions concerned with what engagement is or looks like, and how it can be theorized for the language classroom; methodological questions related to the design, measurement and analysis of engagement in language classrooms and beyond; as well as applied issues examining its antecedents, factors inhibiting and enhancing it, and conditions fostering the re-engagement of language learners who have become disengaged. Through a mix of conceptual and empirical chapters, the book explores similarities and differences between motivation and engagement and addresses questions of whether, how and why learners actually do exert effort, allocate attention, participate and become involved in tangible language learning and use. It will serve as an authoritative benchmark for future theoretical and empirical research into engagement within the classroom and beyond, and will be of interest to anyone wishing to understand the unique insights and contributions the topic of engagement can make to language learning and teaching.

  • The Psychological Experience of Integrating Content and Language


    The Psychological Experience of Integrating Content and Language
    The Psychological Experience of Integrating Content and Language

    This book brings together a diverse range of empirical chapters spanning various contexts and educational levels which explore the psychology of teaching and learning a subject through a second or other language. The chapters discuss both the psychological stressors and strains for learners and teachers, as well as the benefits and joys of being involved in such programmes. The studies encompass a range of areas, such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Foreign Language Medium of Instruction (FMI), bilingual education and other related approaches to integrating content and language. They feature a variety of psychological constructs, including identity, self-confidence, motivation, self-concept, teacher and learner beliefs, affect, anxiety, stress, mindsets, attributions and well-being, from the perspectives of both teachers and learners. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in ensuring that teachers and students are properly supported and that their experiences of integrated content and language settings enable them to flourish.

  • The Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching


    The Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching
    The Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching

    This book focuses on the emotional complexity of language teaching and how the diverse emotions that teachers experience while teaching are shaped and function. The book is based on the premise that teaching is not just about the transmission of academic knowledge but also about inspiring students, building rapport with them, creating relationships based on empathy and trust, being patient and most importantly controlling one’s own emotions and being able to influence students’ emotions in a positive way. The book covers a range of emotion-related topics on both positive and negative emotions which are relevant to language teaching including emotional labour, burnout, emotion regulation, resilience, emotional intelligence and wellbeing among others. These topics are studied within a wide range of contexts such as teacher education programmes, tertiary education, CLIL and action research settings, and primary and secondary schools across different countries. The book will appeal to any student, researcher, teacher or policymaker who is interested in research on the psychological aspects of foreign language teaching.

  • The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education


    The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education
    The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education

    This book addresses two critical calls pertaining to language education. Firstly, for attention to be paid to the transdisciplinary nature and complexity of learner identity and interaction in the classroom and secondly, for the need to attend to conceptualizations of and approaches to manifestations of (in)equity in the sociohistorical contexts in which they occur. Collectively, the chapters envision classrooms and educational institutions as sites both shaping and shaped by larger (trans)communal negotiations of being and belonging, in which individuals affirm and/or problematize essentialized and idealized nativeness and community membership. The volume, comprised of chapters contributed by a diverse array of researcher-practitioners living, working and/or studying around the globe, is intended to inform, empower and inspire stakeholders in language education to explore, potentially reimagine, and ultimately critically and practically transform, the communities in which they live, work and/or study.

  • Directed Motivational Currents and Language Education: Exploring Implications for Pedagogy


    Directed Motivational Currents and Language Education: Exploring Implications for Pedagogy
    Directed Motivational Currents and Language Education: Exploring Implications for Pedagogy

    Directed motivational currents (DMCs) are goal-directed motivational surges in pursuit of a much-desired personal outcome. This book introduces the reader to cutting-edge theory and research in second language learner motivation and presents empirical research which investigates DMCs in the context of language learning. The studies explore the wider relevance of DMC theory from participants recruited worldwide, answering questions such as how many (and which) participants reported having experienced DMCs and what emerged as common triggers initiating such experiences. The studies also discuss the pedagogical implications of DMC theory, investigating whether it is possible to design and implement a project (specifically, a project ‘with DMC potential’) in such a way that it may be able to purposefully facilitate a group-DMC with learners in a second language classroom. The book’s accessible writing style makes it suitable for researchers and students who are interested in second language learning as well as for teachers and trainee teachers who are looking for classroom inspiration.

  • Lessons from Exceptional Language Learners Who Have Achieved Nativelike Proficiency: Motivation, Cognition and Identity


    Lessons from Exceptional Language Learners Who Have Achieved Nativelike Proficiency: Motivation, Cognition and Identity
    Lessons from Exceptional Language Learners Who Have Achieved Nativelike Proficiency: Motivation, Cognition and Identity

    How do some language learners triumph against all odds, despite not having obvious heritage links or spending extended periods of time in the L2 environment pre-adulthood? This book delves into the autobiographical stories of learners who achieve nativelike proficiency, opening a narrative window into their experiences and offering insights into their pathways to success. The in-depth analysis ties together a wide range of potentially relevant topics, from motivational vision and international posture to issues of identity, endurance and even musical ability, among other themes. The authors explore whether these successes can be repeated by others and the book will be of use to language teachers interested in learner motivation and the antecedents to high-level ultimate attainment. The book will also be of great interest to researchers working in the areas of language learner psychology, especially in topics concerning language learning motivation, identity and narrative inquiry.

  • Language Teacher Noticing in Tasks


    Language Teacher Noticing in Tasks
    Language Teacher Noticing in Tasks

    This book provides an accessible, evidence-based account of how teacher noticing, the process of attending to, interpreting and acting on events which occur during engagement with learners, can be examined in contexts of language teacher education and highlights the importance of reflective practice for professional development. Central to the work is an innovative mixed-methods study of task-based interaction which was undertaken with pre-service English language teachers in Japan. Through close analyses of task interaction coupled with recall data, it illustrates the ways in which pre-service teachers noticed their student partners’ use of embodied and linguistic resources. This focus on what teachers attend to, how they interpret it, and their subsequent decisions has multiple implications for language learning and teacher development. It demonstrates the value of teacher noticing for developing rapport, supporting pupils’ language acquisition, enhancing participation, fostering reflection and guiding observation, a central feature of language teachers’ career advancement.

  • Complexity Perspectives on Researching Language Learner and Teacher Psychology


    Complexity Perspectives on Researching Language Learner and Teacher Psychology
    Complexity Perspectives on Researching Language Learner and Teacher Psychology

    This edited volume brings together both established and emerging researcher voices from around the world to illustrate how complexity perspectives might contribute to new ways of researching and understanding the psychology of language learners and teachers in situated educational contexts. Chapter authors discuss their own perspectives on researching within a complexity paradigm, exemplified by concrete and original examples from their research histories. Moreover, chapters explore research approaches to a variety of learner and teacher psychological foci of interest in SLA. Examples include: anxiety, classroom group dynamics and group-level motivation, cognition and metacognition, emotions and emotion regulation strategies, learner reticence and silence, motivation, self-concept and willingness to communicate.

  • Young Children’s Foreign Language Anxiety: The Case of South Korea


    Young Children’s Foreign Language Anxiety: The Case of South Korea
    Young Children’s Foreign Language Anxiety: The Case of South Korea

    This book investigates the effects of foreign language anxiety (FLA) on young language learners, using as a basis for observation the early childhood English education industry in South Korea that has arisen as a result of English fever. The authors combine existing knowledge on the topic of FLA together with original research on FLA in young language learners to fill a large gap in knowledge with regards to this understudied and distinct group of learners. The book includes suggestions for alleviating FLA and encouraging foreign language enjoyment, which can be implemented by parents, teachers and policymakers and which will ultimately facilitate more effective language learning and support children’s psychosocial wellbeing. 

  • Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective


    Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
    Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective

    Through the application of self-determination theory (SDT) to research and practice, this book deepens our understanding of how autonomous language learning can be supported and understood within environments outside of the classroom. Theoretical, empirical and practice-focused chapters examine autonomy support in a range of contexts and settings, dealing with learning environments and open spaces, communities and relationships, and advising and self-access language learning. They reveal what occurs beyond the classroom, how socializing agents support autonomous motivation and wellness, and how SDT can enhance our understanding of supporting language learner autonomy. It will be of interest to language teachers, university lecturers and learning advisors who are providing support outside the classroom, as well as to graduate students and researchers who are working in the fields of applied linguistics and TESOL.

  • The Role of Context in Language Teachers’ Self Development and Motivation: Perspectives from Multilingual Settings


    The Role of Context in Language Teachers’ Self Development and Motivation: Perspectives from Multilingual Settings
    The Role of Context in Language Teachers’ Self Development and Motivation: Perspectives from Multilingual Settings

    This book unpacks data from conversations with bi-/multilingual EFL teachers whose L1s are languages other than English and who are from understudied contexts – Argentina, Egypt, Estonia, Senegal, Turkey, Ukraine, and Vietnam – to provide insights into the formation of ideal teacher selves. The author discusses the complexities surrounding the development of the teachers’ selves and motivation, as well as their intertwinement with the sociopolitical realities of their individual contexts. The work reveals how these realities, and the specific social interactions that occur therein, influence the language learning and teaching processes; it also challenges the notions of and the need for a native/non-native speaker dichotomy in the field. Expanding on Ushioda’s (2009) person-in-context approach and reflecting on the multilingual settings of the teachers, the integration of the context-specific politics of language learning and teaching is a fresh approach to work in motivation.

  • Teachers of Multiple Languages: Identities, Beliefs and Emotions


    Teachers of Multiple Languages: Identities, Beliefs and Emotions
    Teachers of Multiple Languages: Identities, Beliefs and Emotions

    This book argues that teachers of multiple languages (TMLs) form a distinct group of language teachers and that the study of this largely overlooked demographic group can reveal new insights into how we perceive and research language teachers. The book highlights the narratives of three TMLs from diverse global contexts, examining their journeys in navigating their careers as well as traversing multiple worlds and developing additional ways of being through new identities, beliefs and emotions. The author offers new, globally-relevant insights for language teaching research at individual, pedagogical and institutional level and demonstrates that teaching multiple languages is an emerging transnational phenomenon that cuts across age, languages, countries, institutions and career stages. By furthering our understanding of why and how some multilingual language teachers have expanded and changed their careers through teaching additional languages, the book offers a new perspective on how language teaching careers are changing in an increasingly globalized, multilingual world.

  • Language Teachers Studying Abroad: Identities, Emotions and Disruptions


    Language Teachers Studying Abroad: Identities, Emotions and Disruptions
    Language Teachers Studying Abroad: Identities, Emotions and Disruptions

    This book focuses on the study-abroad experiences of pre-service and in-service language teachers and language teacher educators. The diverse contributions to this volume provide readers with a deep understanding of what this mobility means for individuals and the language teaching and learning communities they encounter and return to post-sojourn. Considering the broad variability of study-abroad programs and arrangements, as well as the multidimensional, complex nature of study-abroad social, geographical and digital environments, the chapters discuss the teachers’ psychological experiences in cognitive, affective and social terms. Readers will discover the effect of mobility on identity, beliefs, practices, self-efficacy, agency, self-confidence, independence and personal growth, as well as how transitions across borders can result in feelings of self-doubt, anxiety and insecurity. This is essential reading for language teacher educators, mentors and supervisors, managers of study-abroad programs and researchers working in the fields of study abroad, international education and language teacher education.

  • The Beliefs and Experiences of World Language Teachers in the US


    The Beliefs and Experiences of World Language Teachers in the US
    The Beliefs and Experiences of World Language Teachers in the US

    This book tells the stories of 15 world language (WL) teachers in the United States at elementary and secondary levels through rich descriptions of their lived worlds and experiences. In-depth interviews, extensive observations, learner interviews, and document and environment analysis illustrate in detail how teacher beliefs relate to their practices and are mediated and moderated by their learners, institutional demands, equity and access to WL education and other factors. The chapters provide a deep and robust explanation of individual teachers’ teaching lives and a cross-contextual comparison of their experiences, shining a light on the realities and demands of modern US schools. Grounded in the research literature on language teacher beliefs and cognition, this book takes the stance that all teaching is situated and contextual, and that addressing teachers' methods, practices and knowledges in ways that are divorced from their setting and environment has serious limitations. It offers fascinating insights for researchers, language educators and pre- and in-service teachers, with reflection questions at the end of each chapter to guide readers in drawing connections with their own practice, interests and contexts.

  • Motivation to Learn Multiple Languages in Japan: A Longitudinal Perspective


    Motivation to Learn Multiple Languages in Japan: A Longitudinal Perspective
    Motivation to Learn Multiple Languages in Japan: A Longitudinal Perspective

    This book provides rare insights into motivation among extremely successful learners of English and languages other than English (LOTEs) through the analysis of a longitudinal study and the examination of the factors involved in becoming multilingual in a non-multilingual environment. Based on sixteen interview sessions, conducted over the course of nine years while the learners progressed from high school to the world of work, this book offers the story of how two learners persist in English/LOTE learning. The study illuminates the long-term processes through which the interviewees develop ideal English/LOTE selves in an environment where multilingualism is not emphasized and where both English and LOTEs can still be described as foreign languages. Educators and researchers will learn from this study, which stretches our understanding of motivation beyond the recent theorizing of L2 motivation and contributes to the limited research in long-term motivational trajectories and LOTE learning motivation, which is particularly scarce in non-European contexts. The book will be of interest not only to readers in Japan but also to those in other contexts as it offers an example of successful learners who go beyond the pragmatic and instrumentalist view of language learning to hold a more holistic view, thus revealing the factors which can sustain multiple language learning, even in foreign language contexts.

  • Willingness to Communicate, Multilingualism and Interactions in Community Contexts


    Willingness to Communicate, Multilingualism and Interactions in Community Contexts
    Willingness to Communicate, Multilingualism and Interactions in Community Contexts

    This book presents the findings of an in-depth qualitative longitudinal investigation into the willingness to communicate (WTC) of individuals who, through varying migration channels, left one cultural/linguistic context to make a new life in another. It examines communication behaviours and language choice in multilingual community contexts and emphasises how even the most trivial of communication events are embedded in histories of previous communication and are influenced by emotions connected with a person’s overall life situation. The book fills a gap in contemporary WTC research by examining how WTC operates in multilingual community contexts. Through the use of a complexity lens and the presentation of a revised 3D pyramid model, the authors demonstrate the dynamic nature of WTC and shed new light on processes that affect communication, migration and well-being. This book will be of interest to researchers seeking to explore individual differences using context sensitive and temporally focused designs.

  • Language Teacher Wellbeing across the Career Span


    Language Teacher Wellbeing across the Career Span
    Language Teacher Wellbeing across the Career Span

    This book explores language teacher wellbeing across the career span from an ecological perspective. It reports on empirical findings from an extensive investigation into language teacher wellbeing in various social, cultural and linguistic contexts. It is unique in casting light on the professional trajectory of language teachers and opening up discussions on the characteristics, psychological needs and strengths of language teachers at different points in their careers. It examines wellbeing in terms of the dynamic interplay between the challenges individuals encounter in their personal and professional lives, and the psychological, social and contextual resources that they draw on to buffer the impact of these challenges. The findings of the study will help readers to understand how language teachers can protect and nurture their wellbeing, not only to remain in the profession, but also to thrive in the long-term. The book will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in the lives, wellbeing and psychology of language teachers in diverse contexts and career phases.

  • Mindsets in Language Education


    Mindsets in Language Education
    Mindsets in Language Education

    This book is the first volume devoted to mindset theory and practice in language education, offering interdisciplinary investigations into the motivation, competencies, emotions and wellbeing of language learners and teachers. Presenting studies from a vast array of language learning environments, the chapters explore topics such as students' attitudes and motivation surrounding language learning, the effects of mindset on vocabulary acquisition, the mindsets of early career teachers and experienced language teachers, interventions on students' mindsets and interventions that strengthen language teachers' growth mindsets. The findings presented in this book will be of great interest to instructors and researchers alike and present essential developments for the field of applied linguistics and psychology of language learning and teaching. The book will be invaluable in improving the quality of the language learning experience for teachers and students in various academic environments.

  • Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning: A Multi-Perspective Investigation in Hungary


    Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning: A Multi-Perspective Investigation in Hungary
    Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning: A Multi-Perspective Investigation in Hungary

    This book highlights the roles of several individual difference (ID) variables on the language learning process, exploring them from both the students’ and the teachers’ perspectives. It presents the results of a large-scale, mixed-methods investigation which was conducted with secondary school pupils and their teachers in Hungary. The quantitative questionnaire data is used to analyze the English language learners’ motivation, autonomy and self-efficacy beliefs, and to examine the relationships between these and a wide range of positive and negative emotions. The qualitative data, consisting of interviews with teachers, gives voice not only to an understanding of student-related ID variables but also to teachers’ reflections on their own cognitive, affective and behavioral processes. Taken together, the contrastive analysis of these two datasets yields interactional results that provide fresh insights into the language learning process and practical classroom applications.

  • Advancing Language Research through Q Methodology


    Advancing Language Research through Q Methodology
    Advancing Language Research through Q Methodology

    This volume investigates the ways in which Q methodology can uncover and foreground new perspectives and contribute to language education and language policy research. It demonstrates the flexibility of this research methodology in addressing dynamic and complex language issues across a variety of educational topics and geographical contexts. The chapter authors use Q methodology to explore topics such as identity, motivation, cognition, emotion, pre-service and in-service teacher beliefs and to evaluate language programmes, curricula and policies. These contributions highlight Q methodology’s potential to inform theoretical developments by revealing fresh perspectives on contemporary issues and generating new hypotheses. They foster further Q methodology research, demonstrating how it can contribute to a science of subjectivity and allow researchers to value the perspectives of all stakeholders for more inclusive research. This book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in language education and language policy research and those in the broader field of social sciences looking to expand their knowledge of the methodology and how it can be used to study contemporary, dynamic and complex issues.

  • Multilingual Selves and Motivations for Learning Languages other than English in Asian Contexts


    Multilingual Selves and Motivations for Learning Languages other than English in Asian Contexts
    Multilingual Selves and Motivations for Learning Languages other than English in Asian Contexts

    This edited volume focuses on the experiences of individuals learning languages other than English (LOTEs) in a range of Asian contexts that have traditionally been under-represented in the literature. Aligning with the 'multilingual turn' in SLA, it views learners as individuals of a multilingual society with unique, complex, heterogenous and dynamic identities. The chapters explore the learners’ motivational trajectories, multilingual identities and their conceptualisations of the 'ideal multilingual self'. This volume enhances our critical understanding of language learning motivation through empirical findings and conceptual insights from studies of motivation in specific regions in Asia, including Greater China, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Pakistan and Syria. Providing insight into the multilingual identities of individuals learning LOTEs, it will appeal to students and scholars in second language acquisition, researchers in language learning motivation and policymakers in language education.

  • Language Teacher Identity and Wellbeing


    Language Teacher Identity and Wellbeing
    Language Teacher Identity and Wellbeing

    This is the first edited volume to bring together research on the interaction between language teacher identity and wellbeing. It addresses the need for further research on the experience of language teachers and the vulnerability and resilience they demonstrate in the face of threats to their wellbeing. Naming, describing and analyzing issues with a view to sensitively addressing them, this book contributes to research as a social enterprise which can raise public consciousness of these issues. Exploring how language teacher identity influences and is influenced by wellbeing, the chapters develop a theoretical and empirical understanding of this interaction using Indigenous, psychological, critical and postmodern frameworks and the personal perspectives of teachers and researchers. Spanning a wide range of cultural and institutional contexts, this book provides a wealth of insights for teacher learners, practicing teachers and researchers.


Pamela M. Wesely

Pamela M. Wesely is Professor of Multilingual Education and Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs at the College of Education, University of Iowa, USA. Her research centers around K-12 world language education in the United States, specifically the attitudes, motivations, perceptions and beliefs of stakeholders in K-12 foreign/world language education. Innovation is a key area of interest in her work, particularly pedagogical innovation that departs from the grammar-based curriculum.

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