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Ebook series3 titles

Dragon Age Series

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this series

Following the events of Bitterwood, war erupts as human rebels seize the town of Dragon Forge, home to the foundries that equip the dragon armies. But the human struggle may be doomed as long as the mysterious goddess Jazz plots to keep humans enslaved. Can Bitterwood, Jandra, and Zeeky defeat her? And can the dragons survive the wrath of their own vengeful deity, Blasphet the Murder God?

PublisherJames Maxey
Release dateJan 1, 2000

Titles in the series (3)

  • Bitterwood



    Dragons rule the world, united under the powerful dragon king Albekizan. Humans exist as slaves, pets, and prey. Yet one man, the mysterious Bitterwood, resists from the shadows, fighting a long, lonely war. When Bitterwood is blamed for the death of Albekizan’s beloved son, the king launches a full scale campaign to rid the the world of the dragon slayer, even if he must kill all mankind. Revised 2020 ebook edition now includes the bonus prequel story "Tornado of Sparks!"

  • Dragonseed


    Burke discovers gunpowder, tilting the balance of power between humans and dragons. The sky-dragon Vulpine schemes to crush the human rebels by sending a plague-infected child into their ranks. As both humans and dragons face their greatest crisis, alliances shift. Anza fights for Blasphet, Bitterwood battles Hex, and humans and dragons must unite to survive in the mysterious city of Atlantis.

  • Dragonforge


    Following the events of Bitterwood, war erupts as human rebels seize the town of Dragon Forge, home to the foundries that equip the dragon armies. But the human struggle may be doomed as long as the mysterious goddess Jazz plots to keep humans enslaved. Can Bitterwood, Jandra, and Zeeky defeat her? And can the dragons survive the wrath of their own vengeful deity, Blasphet the Murder God?


James Maxey

James Maxey is author of several novels, the Bitterwood Trilogy of Bitterwood, Dragonforge, and Dragonseed, the Dragon Apocalypse series of Greatshadow, Hush, and Witchbreaker, and the superhero novels Nobody Gets the Girl and Burn Baby Burn.

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