60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Believe in Miracles
ALTHOUGH THE POPULAR saying is you must see it to believe it—when it comes to miracles, there are many times you must believe it to see it. Miracles happen when you have faith and trust that anything is possible. Open your heart to receive the incred
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Embrace Advent
ON THIS FIRST day of Advent, remember the hope that Jesus brings into your life. Pause and reflect on areas where you need His light to shine the brightest. Perhaps it is in a place of worry, grief, or uncertainty. Open your heart to His presence—inv
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
A Note From The Editor
We sat in the auditorium. Elementary school children filled the stage with instruments under their arms. They scanned the audience, smiling nervously. The music started. A little girl in the back row holding a trumpet swayed back and forth, and a flu
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Welcome the New Year
THE JAPANESE HAVE a word that means welcoming the first sunrise of the new year: hatsuhinode. This morning, reflect on the passage of time and the blessings that will unfold in the days to come. Lose yourself in the majesty of the Alpha and the Omega
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
The Work of His Hands
EVEN IN WINTER, when the weather outside might seem harsh, spending a few moments outdoors can be invigorating and inspiring. By taking the time to breathe in the crisp air and observe the wonders of creation, we can connect with God’s presence and f
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Be Patient With Yourself
SOMETIMES, SPIRITUAL GROWTH happens overnight. Most times, it is a gradual process that takes patience and dedication. Don’t be discouraged if your faith walk hasn’t progressed as far as you hoped. God isn’t in a hurry. Heavenly Father, if I feel dis
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
A New Way
What is holding you back from living your best life? Is it fear or something else? This uplifting verse is a call to cast away whatever barriers are keeping you from God’s blessing—to pick up your pallet and rise to a new life, a new way of being and
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
A Prayer for January
Dear Lord, as we step into January with the promise of new beginnings, we seek Your guidance to bless our days with purpose and grace. Grant us the courage to embark on new ventures, the strength to persevere through challenges, and the wisdom to rec
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
The Power of Divine Order
ARE YOU LOOKING for more order in your life? The beautiful thing about a strong faith is that it helps you tap into divine order. Once you have divine order in your heart, you tend to cultivate it in your life. Chaos, clutter, and everything else tha
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Patient In The Process
ADVENT IS A season of waiting—a time to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Jesus. In our fastpaced world, patience often eludes us. Yet, in the quiet moments of waiting, we find strength and endurance. Heavenly Father, grant me the grace
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Reflect His Light
DO YOU REFLECT the light of Christ in a world that often feels dark? Consider how you can shine brighter and bring hope, love, and joy to those around you. Your small acts of kindness and love can be a beacon of hope to guide others toward the love o
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
The Heart of Faith
AT THE HEART of Christmas is the simplest yet most profound love story: God’s love for us. Today, meditate on the depth of Christ’s love and the simplicity of His message of salvation. This reflection reminds us of the pure and simple truth at the he
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
SLEEP IS IMPORTANT for your well-being. Before you go to bed, connect with God. Pray the Lord’s Prayer, followed by intercessions for others, petitions for yourself, and, lastly, prayers of praise for God’s wondrous works. Heavenly Father, fortify me
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
A Vessel of Good Works
TRY THIS TIP to keep yourself in tune with God: Every morning, dedicate five minutes to quietness. If you can, first thing in the morning, take a spot by a window, take a deep breath, and pray. Affirm that God is filling you with strength and energy.
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
The Gift of Beginnings
THE DAY AFTER Christmas signals the coming of a new year—a time for reflection and new beginnings. God’s mercies are new every morning. Reflect on the areas of your life where you seek a fresh start and approach them with hope and faith in God’s stea
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Focus on Jesus
GIVE YOURSELF THE gift of letting go. Let go of the need to be perfect—perfect gifts, perfect gatherings, planning the perfect day. When you focus on perfection, you miss the most important part of the holiday. Instead, sit at Jesus’s feet and focus
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Joy To The World
DR. NORMAN VINCENT PEALE rejoiced, “Light has come! Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace—Jesus Christ, the Light of Christmas, has come! The day God blessed us with His Son, the only Source of eternal life.
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Seek Higher Ground
THIS VERSE REMINDS us that when we feel weary and want to turn our back on God, we should turn toward Him instead. Share your honest feelings with Him. Complain about your situation. And then, find something to praise Him for. Find your way back to G
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Persevering Through Trials
GOD USES CHALLENGES to strengthen our faith, remind us of our dependence on Him, and draw us closer to His sustaining grace. Today, approach your trials with joy, knowing that they are developing perseverance in your faith walk. Lord, help me to see
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Faith Over Fear
FEAR CAN TRAP you, but faith empowers you to move forward. This Advent, choose faith over fear. Trust in God’s plan and courageously step ahead even when the path seems uncertain. Each step forward in faith builds your trust in His divine guidance. H
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Reflecting on God’s Faithfulness
REFLECT ON THE moments in this past year when you’ve witnessed God’s love and faithfulness. Each experience is proof of His unwavering presence in your life. Look back with gratitude and confidently move forward, trusting in His guidance and provisio
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Hope in Healing
GOD IS YOUR healer and mender of broken feelings. If you’re carrying wounds from past hurts, turn to Him for healing. His love and grace can heal your pain. Trust that God is with you every step of the way, restoring you to wholeness. Heavenly Father
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Celebrate Your Glorious God
AS YOU PREPARE for Jesus’s coming, consider this: Each and every day, Jesus is planning your future and preparing blessings for you. Some gifts help you grow in faith. Others are signs of His presence to reassure you that you are not alone and that b
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Cultivate Contentment
THE APOSTLE PAUL reminds us that genuine peace is found in your relationship with Christ. Anchor your heart in God’s love and discover a contentment that transcends life’s ups and downs. Welcome this divine knowing. Trust that in every situation, God
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Restore Me
GOD RESTORES LIVES. He takes messes, jealousy, and weakness and transforms them into a life full of grace and mercy. He shines wisdom and love on doubt and fear, and brings faith and peace. Every single day, when you open your heart to Him, He is ren
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Be A Blessing To Others
FOR EVERY NEGATIVE experience, there is a positive possibility. When you are down and feeling like things are going against you, take a moment and pray, “God, help me see the good in this situation. How can I make this right?” Heavenly Father, train
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Joy in Giving
THE ACT OF giving, especially during the Christmas season, reflects the generosity of God, who gave us the most precious gift of all—His Son. Today, consider ways that you can give joyfully by extending your time, talents, and treasures to others. Re
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Your Guardian Angel
SAINT JEROME IS quoted as saying, “So valuable to heaven is the dignity of the human soul that every member of the human race has a guardian angel from the moment the person begins to be.” Do you believe God’s messengers protect and help you? Think a
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
Right on Time
GOD CONTROLS LIFE’S pace. The secret to managing your time is to abide in God and make your focus spending time with Him. As Moses said, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” When you put God first, you will always be on
60 Days of Prayer1 min read
How Big Is Your Life?
DR. NORMAN VINCENT PEALE said that how you live your life is directly proportional to how greatly you believe. Believe little, and you will have a little life. If your belief is weak, you will get a weak life. If your faith is fear-based, you will li
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