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Episode 239: Anatomy of a wine critic


Episode 239: Anatomy of a wine critic

FromSOMM TV wine & food


Episode 239: Anatomy of a wine critic

FromSOMM TV wine & food

39 minutes
Dec 18, 2024
Podcast episode


What is your relationship with wine critics?  How does one become a person who writes about the quality of a wine?  On today’s podcast we are joined by Audrey Frick, one of the leading voices in the field of wine criticism to have a very honest conversation about the profession.  To get 50% off SOMM TV., use this link:
Dec 18, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Jason Wise, the director of the SOMM films, takes you deep into wine, food, and the stories that surround it. From our films, upcoming shows and great wines of the world to sports, celebrities, and major events impacted by the culinary world. The SOMM TV podcast is simple, it's about everything.