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Feel Like Yourself Again: ​​Alcohol Freedom Coaching | E756


Feel Like Yourself Again: ​​Alcohol Freedom Coaching | E756

FromThis Naked Mind Podcast


Feel Like Yourself Again: ​​Alcohol Freedom Coaching | E756

FromThis Naked Mind Podcast

71 minutes
Dec 7, 2024
Podcast episode


How can we rebuild our sense of self when we let go of the things that define us?
Bek is learning how to live without alcohol, which has been part of her life since she was 14. She feels sad and unsure of who she is without it. Jeanette is also figuring out who she is after growing up with the feeling that she has to fight for love and self-worth. She turned to alcohol as a way to numb those feelings. In this episode, Coach Zoe helps both women explore their feelings, change the way they see themselves, and reconnect with parts of themselves that have been hidden for a long time.

In Bek’s session:
- Why not drinking feels so hard
- Understanding the sadness and fear of letting go
- Exploring beliefs about alcohol and joy
- Addressing Bek’s physical and emotional reactions
- Setting your “alive” goal and what it means
- Using the “ladder thinking” mindset to turn habits around
- Defining Bek’s emotional goals
- How alcohol affects the body and brain
- Practicing mindful drinking
- How alcohol numbs our feelings
- Preparing Bek for her first alcohol-free holiday
In Jeanette’s session:
- Why figuring out ‘who you are’ feels so hard
- How childhood shapes our self-image
- How conditional love kills our inner child
- Breaking free from harmful patterns and beliefs
- Why we feel the need to escape
- Using self-compassion to heal old wounds
- Confronting the voice of your inner critic
- Learning to love yourself no matter what

Zoe Ewart is a Certified Senior TNM Coach with four children and more animals than you can count. For 15 years, she has taught Pilates, speaks French and Spanish, and has been living alcohol-free since March 2020. Zoe’s coaching helps people take control of their relationship with alcohol in a fun, enjoyable, and safe environment.

Learn more about Coach Zoe:

Related Episodes:
EP 654: Reader’s Question – Overcoming Subconscious Beliefs Around Self-Worth 
EP 706: Reader’s Question – Healing Emotional Pain Without Alcohol 
EP 736: ​​Self-Love is the Key: Alcohol Freedom Coaching 

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Visit for free resources, programs, and more. Until next week, stay curious!
Dec 7, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Bestselling author Annie Grace invites you to explore the role of alcohol in our lives and culture without rules, pain, or judgement. Ready to make a change? Join The Alcohol Experiment - a FREE 30-day challenge designed to deliver happiness, wellbeing and self-respect. Check out The Alcohol Experiment at