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Part 2-Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Episode 12 Recap-Meredith Marks becomes a WOMAN, Britanni has high body count hair, Angie K curses like a sailor at Bronwyan, Mary forgives Meredith, Heathers new book and SO MUCH RACLETTE CHEESE!


Part 2-Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Episode 12 Recap-Meredith Marks becomes a WOMAN, Britanni has high body count hair, Angie K curses like a sai…

FromSo Bad It's Good with Ryan Bailey


Part 2-Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Episode 12 Recap-Meredith Marks becomes a WOMAN, Britanni has high body count hair, Angie K curses like a sai…

FromSo Bad It's Good with Ryan Bailey

68 minutes
Dec 6, 2024
Podcast episode


FRIDAY! Here is a supersized Salt lake City episode 12 Recap PART TWO! This episode was bonkers! Every salt lake episode is BONKERS! This is broken into two parts! THIS IS THE SECOND PARTThe first part has some thoughts on the season premiere of Southern Charm and VPR and some life stuff and then the recap starts and Part 2 is the rest of the recap and a little about Heather Gay's new book! Happy Friday!
Also, just released a 2 hour VPR Season 2 Episode 3 Recap, a 1.5 hour mashup of songs, a 2.5 hour q&a on our patreon. Join our patreon! talk to you on Friday!
Sign up for our substack for free!
Also, this show and every show is dedicated to my beautiful mom Rebecca Ann Bailey-July 18th, 1948-August 25, 2023
:03-RECAP Part 2/Heather Gay's book
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If you’re enjoying the insane amount of blood, sweat and literal tears of this pod consider telling a friend or rating us 5 stars on iTunes! Special shoutout to Maritza Lopez (Insta: @maritza.gif) for all of her insanely hard work creating these beautiful pieces of art on my instagram and patreon page!! 
Instagram: @sobaditsgoodwithryanbailey, @ryanbailey25
TIKTOK @sobaditsgoodwithryanb
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Dec 6, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

An exploration of all the pop culture we love to hate, from the classic reality TV moments of the past and present, to the latest Daily Mail headlines and everything in between. We'll dive into all the infamous and notorious messes you can't stop watching-we're looking at you, Jax Taylor. Twitter: @sobaditsgood3, @ryanbailey25 Instagram: @sobaditsgoodwithryanbailey, @ryanbailey25 Email us: [email protected]